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Why didn't I remember this site before now???? I've been glancing at that OTHER board now and then but not posting.!!!! HAHAHAHA The doctor is IN!!!!
I reckon this site is the best thing since..... well lets be honest, since the old official boards closed down.

I go to the new boards on occasion too but just can't stomach using them.

You've got to say a huge thanks to the guys who put this together.
I reckon this site is the best thing since..... well lets be honest, since the old official boards closed down.

I go to the new boards on occasion too but just can't stomach using them.

You've got to say a huge thanks to the guys who put this together.

I know I'm not posting much, but I haven't been back to the "new and improved board" :gun: since this one started. And I couldn't be happier!
I talked to a tech guy on the 10th and asked why the site did not show any of the FA signees, I guess they updated about the time I talked to the tech guy and he basically told me I was stupid for not seeing the updates on the 10th on all the signees. The Texan have an issue with customer service so bad it almost makes wonder?

If it was not for this site I would have a hard time as a fan.
Yea, the new boards are horrible. I think I have posted like 15 times and half of them have been to tell someone they were retarded.
I believe most of the admins here, are still admins over there, but the difference in moderation is like daylight and dark. Were you guys told to relax your rules on the new boards? I see stuff over there that would have never made it past the first posting, and language that was NEVER allowed before.
I believe most of the admins here, are still admins over there, but the difference in moderation is like daylight and dark. Were you guys told to relax your rules on the new boards? I see stuff over there that would have never made it past the first posting, and language that was NEVER allowed before.

It is all about control, Vinny has no control over how crappy slow the other site is.
You mean that you didn't find the discussion on Mario Williams body parts scintillating?

It is pretty bad, huh? I don't consider myself a college professor, but dadgum, there should be a wonderlic test in order to log in. lol. There are still several knowledgable posters over there that I like to read.:cool:
I'm not talking speed, I'm talking content :)
It's supposed to work as a member moderated board. Where fellow members report rules violations, which are dealt with through moderation. Most members don't report the violations, and it goes unchecked.

There aren't as many moderators on the new site, and that software makes it more difficult to moderate. In other words, it sucks.
I believe most of the admins here, are still admins over there, but the difference in moderation is like daylight and dark. Were you guys told to relax your rules on the new boards? I see stuff over there that would have never made it past the first posting, and language that was NEVER allowed before.
There is a different webmaster that runs that site, that software takes forever to moderate, and there aren't many moderators....I don't see much reported from you guys (report more posts) and I haven't seen many complaints about the language.
There aren't as many moderators on the new site, and that software makes it more difficult to moderate. In other words, it sucks.

It took me five tries and almost ten minutes yesterday just to close the Mario body parts thread. The software is just can't be moderated without a full time staffer.

I haven't seen many complaints about the language.

Check on the name calling in the Mario body part thread. I just didn't have the time to spend an hour cleaning up one thread, and frankly, maybe if they see how cruddy things get they will better understand what was being done before.
I cleaned up a few of them this morning....unless you have a paid, full time staffer on the board as a part of their job, a tiny volunteer mod crew of 3 isn't they way to go on a board like that. They didn't ask my opinion on it this is their plan. The posters have been great on balance though (I really haven't seen anything awful)....but if isn't as clean as it was before, it's because the job is a bigger more time consuming task and there are less people to help keep it clean in a more real-time manner. Things still get the attention, it just doesn't happen in real-time or as quickly as before.
I've seen the link to report abuse over there, but that's kinda like handing out rep to me, I avoid both like the plague. Yeah, I know, don't whine if you aren't willing to participate in the process :)
I've seen the link to report abuse over there, but that's kinda like handing out rep to me, I avoid both like the plague. Yeah, I know, don't whine if you aren't willing to participate in the process :)
everything loads slow and there is really no way to do anything quickly in that it takes forever to moderate it as you have to open many, many more pages than you do if you are just, it helps for the users to point out the problems. I'll eventually get to them, but reporting the posts may speed the process up by as much as a day or two at times. Don't be frustrated by what you see if you don't report it. Things will stand until noticed.
I spend 90% of my time here anyway, and I've learned to selectively read postings, you may get me once, but the next time I see your name, I'll just look right over it. It's saved me tons on blood pressure medication :)
I've learned to selectively read postings

I've been doing that for five years! As for actual FOOTBALL talk, there are about five posters whose opinions matter to me.

As for the other board! I got this message the other day when I tried to log on. "An unusually large number of visitors are excessing our site. You've been placed in line and will be granted access to the site in the order in which you arrived." Got a good laugh out of that one!!! Sounded like the da*n telephone company! Doubtful I'll be spending much time over there.