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What is really curious is that nearly all of the David Carr bashers who frequent here claim to be fans of the team, even going so far as to put a reference to the team in their nick. Throughout the off-season while they insisted that Carr was the single biggest reason the franchise had a losing record and the bane of the state they would often preference the rant about him with, "I hope he can turn it around..." or "I'm a Texans fan and want to see him do well but..."

I've never made the claim that Carr is flawless. Not then and not now. Like many others I'd like to see him become more of an emotional leader, but that just may not be the way he is wired. Some here went as far as to say that Carr had "lost the locker room" and one even made the ridiculous assertion that "his teammates don't listen to him in the huddle." What always seems to be missing is how they know this. Then of course the players voted him and Andre Johnson offensive co-captains. That must have chapped some of you. Throughout the off-season I repeatedly posted on here that now that Carr has improved coaching, as in someone who actually played the position coaching him, and better weapons - Gaffney & Bradford are not even in the league today - his performance should improve. Guess what it has.
Even if you can not bear the thought that our starting quarterback is the league's #1 rated passer and want to scoff at the rating - and admittedly it can be misleading - his TD/INT ratio, which has improved going on 3 years now, and yards per attempt avg. speak for themselves.

Nothing misleading there. It is parts laughable and sad that some of you just can't bring yourself to support our quarterback. What are you going to do if/when he goes to his first Pro Bowl? Disown the team? When the line cuts the sacks - still on pace for 60 - he will be in Hawaii. Mark it down. Charles Spencer was a good, potentially great draft pick. When the right side of the line becomes solidified the sky will be the limit. Must keep some of you up at sad. C'mon stop hatin' and start participatin' ...our passing game, ie quarterback is one of the bright spots of a 1-3 start.....oh wait..that is Carr's fault... :shades:
I am always for the underdog, and I kept chanting about how he was going to make it, he wasn't ruined, he was going to turn it around with Kubes, argued with almost everyone I know about it, bet with a few people on it, and now we are a long way from perfect, but it is already becoming a "sweet" victory.

What is really curious is that nearly all of the David Carr bashers who frequent here claim to be fans of the team, even going so far as to put a reference to the team in their nick. Throughout the off-season while they insisted that Carr was the single biggest reason the franchise had a losing record and the bane of the state they would often preference the rant about him with, "I hope he can turn it around..." or "I'm a Texans fan and want to see him do well but..."

I've never made the claim that Carr is flawless. Not then and not now. Like many others I'd like to see him become more of an emotional leader, but that just may not be the way he is wired. Some here went as far as to say that Carr had "lost the locker room" and one even made the ridiculous assertion that "his teammates don't listen to him in the huddle." What always seems to be missing is how they know this. Then of course the players voted him and Andre Johnson offensive co-captains. That must have chapped some of you. Throughout the off-season I repeatedly posted on here that now that Carr has improved coaching, as in someone who actually played the position coaching him, and better weapons - Gaffney & Bradford are not even in the league today - his performance should improve. Guess what it has.
Even if you can not bear the thought that our starting quarterback is the league's #1 rated passer and want to scoff at the rating - and admittedly it can be misleading - his TD/INT ratio, which has improved going on 3 years now, and yards per attempt avg. speak for themselves.

Nothing misleading there. It is parts laughable and sad that some of you just can't bring yourself to support our quarterback. What are you going to do if/when he goes to his first Pro Bowl? Disown the team? When the line cuts the sacks - still on pace for 60 - he will be in Hawaii. Mark it down. Charles Spencer was a good, potentially great draft pick. When the right side of the line becomes solidified the sky will be the limit. Must keep some of you up at sad. C'mon stop hatin' and start participatin' ...our passing game, ie quarterback is one of the bright spots of a 1-3 start.....oh wait..that is Carr's fault... :shades:

I have been a Carr supporter from the start so don't take this the wrong way...........but how do you repeatedly post when you only have 2 posts? Did you get banned or your old name had negative rep?

Either way I agree with you.
but how do you repeatedly post when you only have 2 posts? Did you get banned or your old name had negative rep?

Nice catch. I noted the 2 posts but didn't get nearly far enough into this one to see the discrepancy before I gave up.
I have been a Carr supporter from the start so don't take this the wrong way...........but how do you repeatedly post when you only have 2 posts? Did you get banned or your old name had negative rep?

Either way I agree with you.

Can't tell ya that then I'd have to kill ya.:spy:

Don't take that the wrong way.:yikes:
Some of the Carr Haters have good points, but sometimes their criticm of Carr was misdirected in my opinion. Vinny and I have gone round and round about Carr and he asked me point blank before the season began why do I believe in him so much. I saw that he had all the tools and the desire to get better, because make no mistake about it, Carr did(does) have his flaws. I was pleading for a West Coast type of offense for a few years now that could compliment his talents, add to that that we should bring in better talent, I felt that Carr could do way better than he has shown. He still has some progress to be made and this is his 1st year with this new coaching staff, so he still needs a little more time to develop, but I like I see so far.
What is really curious is that nearly all of the David Carr bashers who frequent here claim to be fans of the team,...

What's curious is that you apparently think fans of the team have to be blindly loyal to any given player.

Carr is our QB and is not above criticism. He's a football player, and football fans have a right to talk about him and debate his strengths and shortcomings.

Questioning the team and/or objective criticism does not make someone less of a fan.

Did you start this thread to discuss Carr? Or did you start it to call out fans that you have determined through your own qualifications are not fans? I vote the latter, and it borders on behavior that resembles trolling. Please clarify, because I can see this thread going south very fast. The 'Carr debate' has raged long and hard, and there are many threads specifically devoted to this topic.
The worse thing I've said, was that we'd be looking for a new QB in two years...

Because I thought Carr was ruined, and scared. But I believe I've always been honest about how Carr has played.

I admit, that Carr appears to have gotten over that scared thing. But we're only 4 games into the season, and he's already been sacked what 13 times now??

I've never seen a QB get from playing scared, to playing confident...... from the extent that I saw David play scared last year, to the confidence & courage he has shown so far this year.

I'm not rooting for him to fail. I hope those demons are long gone, but I also think it may be a little too early to start tooting yer horn.

I don't know if you consider me one of those "Haters", I think I've been honest about where he was last year, and the progress I've seen in him this far.....

I also believe that most Carr Lovers think he can be a great QB in the vein of TrentDilfer, or BradJohnson, or DrewBledsoe...... For me, that is not acceptable. I'm hoping he'll be much better than that level..... I'm hoping he can get to the PeytonManning, TomBrady, & McNabb level.
thunderkyss said:
I also believe that most Carr Lovers think he can be a great QB in the vein of TrentDilfer,.
Superbowl ring.
thunderkyss said:
or BradJohnson
Superbowl ring
thunderkyss said:
or DrewBledsoe.......
Superbowl appearance.
thunderkyss said:
For me, that is not acceptable. I'm hoping he'll be much better than that level..... I'm hoping he can get to the PeytonManning, TomBrady, & McNabb level.

Oh Tkyss, if it wasn't for you who would I banter with on this here site?

Only one of those three QB's has a ring.
Superbowl ring. Superbowl ring Superbowl appearance.

Oh Tkyss, if it wasn't for you who would I banter with on this here site?

Only one of those three QB's has a ring.

Understood...... but if you want him to be TrentDilfer, BradJohnson, & DrewBledsoe..... none of which won a SuperBowl for the team that drafted them. Don't give us a hard time, when we say he isn't playing as well as ByronLeftwich, or BenRothlesberger.
Wrong post at the wrong time.

As a guy who has basically been here every day, about 12 times a day on average, I can honestly say that over the past few weeks we have seen an almost errily low number of Carr threads.

This entire board, up until a few weeks ago, was a wasteland of Carr threads: Both "for" Carr and/or "against" Carr.

It was as if we had stopped looking at THE TEAM and how THE TEAM was doing, and had forsaken it all for the debate of ONE PLAYER. It was like passing a bad car tell yourself "Don't look, don't look, don't look..." and riiiiiiight as you get even with the carnage, your eyes dart to the side and you see a mangled body laying on the street. "Crap, why did I look?" And that sums up what we've been through up until now.


Now, with Mario getting a sack, with our team getting a win before its bye week, with Bush NOT having a TD yet, and with Carr getting more praise from some of the most devoted of his detractors, I can't say that I appreciate your tone and your angle here. You've entered the fight way too late. You stood on the sidelines way too long. No way you get to ride in here and unload on the guys I spent hours and hours at odd hours of the night (when I should have been sleeping) but instead fought tooth and nail with Carr's critics. I always saw where they were coming from (they wanted success, who can blame them?) but I stood by Carr when you must have sat by anonymously just "watching" without ever posting what you think.

Thanks for coming into the fight when it's long been over. Grab yourself a celebratory beer for the hard work and dedication that you didn't display when it counted the most.

Wrong post at the wrong time. That's what I think.

But that's just my opinion...........
when we say he isn't playing as well as ByronLeftwich, or BenRothlesberger.

Right now as in this season--you'd be hard pressed to find anyone including Bill Cowher saying Big Ben has played better--won't go into the stats or wins but it is pretty plain (doesn't mean Carr better over all but this season, yup and clearly yup). Leftwich you'd have an argument, but then again play your little critique games with Leftwich on time, placement and opportunity and you would sound just like the 40% of Jags fans trying to get Garrard to start.
Well, lets see. I think I've got about 3000 posts. Gonna find out when I post this. That makes about 1000 defending Carr, 'bout 100 putting him down, 'bout 400 miscellaneous posts that aren't about Carr, and about 1500 really stupid comments, regardless of Carr. :)

I've earned the right to say that Carr is the best sucky QB in the league. :redtowel: Oh, and one tough son of a gun.
One reason he's getting better is the players around him are getting better.He could of looked this good long ago if he would of had some help (coaching,OL).
Bledsoe has a ring from the SB where the Pats beat the Rams--Brady started the game but (if my memory serves me correct)Bledsoe even led the Pats on a TD drive.

Now, Bledsoe was the starting QB in the SB where the Pats were beaten by GB...
Well, lets see. I think I've got about 3000 posts. Gonna find out when I post this. That makes about 1000 defending Carr, 'bout 100 putting him down, 'bout 400 miscellaneous posts that aren't about Carr, and about 1500 really stupid comments, regardless of Carr. :)

And it's for the last 1500 that we've grown to love ya ;)
Too funny.. another Vinney mod, jumping in too defend his leader. Super Dave is like the Rocket, he needs a team behind him to put up the wins. From day one, Carr has shown that he got the stuff. Now, people are saying he's getting better, at least thats better than laying the blame on him for all the losses. Lets let the Carr haters eat their crow with all the salt and ketchup they want on it. It is the best we can except from them. :cool:

I must have missed the 'Crow Dinner' for all the 'Caper Lover's' last year--maybe we can combine the 2, once Carr finishes his 'top notch' year...
What is really curious is that nearly all of the David Carr bashers who frequent here claim to be fans of the team, even going so far as to put a reference to the team in their nick. Throughout the off-season while they insisted that Carr was the single biggest reason the franchise had a losing record and the bane of the state they would often preference the rant about him with, "I hope he can turn it around..." or "I'm a Texans fan and want to see him do well but..."

I've never made the claim that Carr is flawless. Not then and not now. Like many others I'd like to see him become more of an emotional leader, but that just may not be the way he is wired. Some here went as far as to say that Carr had "lost the locker room" and one even made the ridiculous assertion that "his teammates don't listen to him in the huddle." What always seems to be missing is how they know this. Then of course the players voted him and Andre Johnson offensive co-captains. That must have chapped some of you. Throughout the off-season I repeatedly posted on here that now that Carr has improved coaching, as in someone who actually played the position coaching him, and better weapons - Gaffney & Bradford are not even in the league today - his performance should improve. Guess what it has.
Even if you can not bear the thought that our starting quarterback is the league's #1 rated passer and want to scoff at the rating - and admittedly it can be misleading - his TD/INT ratio, which has improved going on 3 years now, and yards per attempt avg. speak for themselves.

Nothing misleading there. It is parts laughable and sad that some of you just can't bring yourself to support our quarterback. What are you going to do if/when he goes to his first Pro Bowl? Disown the team? When the line cuts the sacks - still on pace for 60 - he will be in Hawaii. Mark it down. Charles Spencer was a good, potentially great draft pick. When the right side of the line becomes solidified the sky will be the limit. Must keep some of you up at sad. C'mon stop hatin' and start participatin' ...our passing game, ie quarterback is one of the bright spots of a 1-3 start.....oh wait..that is Carr's fault... :shades:

These are my favorite type posts. Carr fan first, Texans fan second.
Right now as in this season--you'd be hard pressed to find anyone including Bill Cowher saying Big Ben has played better--won't go into the stats or wins but it is pretty plain (doesn't mean Carr better over all but this season, yup and clearly yup). Leftwich you'd have an argument, but then again play your little critique games with Leftwich on time, placement and opportunity and you would sound just like the 40% of Jags fans trying to get Garrard to start.

Right, well no one is saying that either guy is playing better than David right now.

Last year, many were saying it, and many were getting slack because they were saying it.

& I'm not saying I have this problem with you, but "good enough" for some people, TrentDilfer, BradJohnson, DrewBledsoe...... should not be what you should expect to get out of your #1 overall QB.

I know DrewBledsoe was/is a #1 overall...... & I like Bledsoe. But the only reason he'll go into the HOF, is because he was durable enough to play for such a long time, at a high level, so maybe he's worth the #1 overall...... I don't know.
Too funny.. another Vinney mod, jumping in too defend his leader. Super Dave is like the Rocket, he needs a team behind him to put up the wins. From day one, Carr has shown that he got the stuff. Now, people are saying he's getting better, at least thats better than laying the blame on him for all the losses. Lets let the Carr haters eat their crow with all the salt and ketchup they want on it. It is the best we can except from them. :cool:

When the coach says he had to take him back to square one, that means the haters were right.

All the 1st Round QBs come into the league with the talent to get the job done. It is for other reasons that they can't be successful.
Bledsoe has a ring from the SB where the Pats beat the Rams--Brady started the game but (if my memory serves me correct)Bledsoe even led the Pats on a TD drive.

Now, Bledsoe was the starting QB in the SB where the Pats were beaten by GB...

I didn't think Bledsoe played in that game. I think he had a touchdown in the AFC championship game. But I think he watched the Superbowl game from the sideline.
I didn't think Bledsoe played in that game. I think he had a touchdown in the AFC championship game. But I think he watched the Superbowl game from the sideline.

I was there and am pretty sure he led them on a scoring drive--anyway, he got a ring for that game--other poster said he didn't have one.'re right TK, Bledsoe got a ring but did not play
Know who else got a Super Bowl ring in that game?

Matt Stevens.

That's just wrong.
I must have missed the 'Crow Dinner' for all the 'Caper Lover's' last year--maybe we can combine the 2, once Carr finishes his 'top notch' year...

Short term memory loss is quite prevalent among some of the more perfect people in the world. Some folks see what they want to see and hate what they want to hate. It's best not to feed those bears. Let them be. :shades:
I'd be scared, too, if I were playing behind the offensive line Carr was playing behind the last few years and knew I had about 0.8 seconds before someone was going to plant me in the turf. Good to see his confidence picking up, and with it his numbers.

Like him or not, I think everyone agrees he's been impressive so far. Thunderkyss is right, though. Three games is too soon for people to change their minds. That said, I really do believe that DC is only going to get better and as the season progresses more people will understand why they picked up his option.

I really hope I'm right.