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They better keep that roof open

According to John John McClain (Oct 7, 2004 1:08:40 PM)
I think the Texans have a good chance to beat the Vikings. They better keep that roof open. Minnesota has lost 17 of 18 outdoors. Not road games -- outdoor road games. The Texans are concerned with fan comfort. In theory, that's good. In reality, teams should use everything possible to have a home advantage. I don't know of a fan who's more concerned with being comfortable than helping the Texans win. Keep the roof open, even if it snows, hails, rains, etc. High wind and lightning, now those are a different matter.
I'm all for the roof being open! My sunburn from last weekend is going away, time for another one.
Actually the stat is 1-17 for road games on grass. Of course they probably weren't thinking of Reliant when they started keeping track but either way they are on grass.
I sat in the sun in section 325 for the whole game. Maybe it wasn't so bad because of the game that was taking place. I definately had a darker "tan", but I never left my seat even to go to the bathroom. Every time I needed an "adult beverage", my lovely wife went to get it for me... :thumbup
Open or closed....As long as we make enough noise we got a good shot of disrupting their timing :thumbup .I sat in 116 the last 2 games...Unless I can find someone to trade for my 140 sec.I wont be in the bullpen.I hope the people in sec 140 are ready for me :hehe:
In reality, teams should use everything possible to have a home advantage. I don't know of a fan who's more concerned with being comfortable than helping the Texans win.
I couldn't agree more, for this time of the season. If it is early in the season I have to say I think it is safer, for the fans themselves, with the roof closed. Having sat there for an early season game once I can tell you that the heat seemed to be bad enough to actually make some of the BULLPEN fans physically ill.
thegr8fan said:
I couldn't agree more, for this time of the season. If it is early in the season I have to say I think it is safer, for the fans themselves, with the roof closed. Having sat there for an early season game once I can tell you that the heat seemed to be bad enough to actually make some of the BULLPEN fans physically ill.

I kept checking on SheTexan to make sure she didn't pass out last weekend! The wife & I just gutted it out and baked alive..... Oh well, sunscreen time for us again this weekend, especially with the Astros playing a noon game tomorrow! :eek:
I just hope they keep the roof open . After all thats what the whole purpose was , to have open air football in Houston . The fans that complain just need to suck it up and deal with it , or just stay their sissy selves at the la casa snd soak up all that AC . :popcorn:
Andre Carr said:
I just hope they keep the roof open . After all thats what the whole purpose was , to have open air football in Houston . The fans that complain just need to suck it up and deal with it , or just stay their sissy selves at the la casa snd soak up all that AC . :popcorn:

I don't know why some of you can't get it through your heads that Reliant is not an "open air" stadium!! It is a stadium without a roof! Open air stadiums have open concourses where air circulates, NOT SO at Reliant! Also, if the heat affects one team, why not the other?? I know for a fact that the heat has bothered some of the TEXAN players, so don't throw that "dark jersy," "standing in the sun" theory at me. These are professional players who should be conditioned to play in any environment. We'll see how our Texans do when they go to Chicago and NY in Dec. Personally, I think they will do just fine!

I get really ticked when someone is so lame they come up with "stay their sissy selves at the la casa and soak up all that AC!" I want to be in my section, standing on my feet, screaming my stinking head off for my TEXANS, not sitting in my seat, waiting for someone to bring me a cup of ice so I can cool down enough to be able to walk up the stairs without fainting. Before you blast me for being a "sissy" I want you to know! I perfer the roof open, except on days when it's blistering hot in the North end zone. They will close the stinking roof for a "threat of rain" but will leave it open when it's 120 degrees in some sections. Think about how much louder it would be if all those fans were in their seats yelling, rather than walking the concourses to stay cool. So, the win/lose theory can go either way. Bring on the RAIN!! :hehe:
SheTexan said:
I know for a fact that the heat has bothered some of the TEXAN players:hehe:

I'm sure the heat bothers all the players, but it will bother Minnesota players more than it will bother Houston players.