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One thing is certain: When the players return for the OTAs in March and the minicamp in May, they won't be doing any drills that aren't allowed under the CBA.

Don't write checks your pasty tush can't cash. I'm willing to bet some UFA's and Tim Bulman type players will go full speed contact. It's not like the coaches told them to go full speed.
Tim, the NFL has not investigated the Texans. That's not how the system works. I thought I explained it in the stories, but here goes: Players file grievances or union reps file reports with the union. Independent arbitrators hear the grievances and make rulings. If the NFLPA gets a report that the Texans are breaking the rules, the league checks it out and makes a quick ruling. For instance, the Giants broke the rules a couple of days ago. They were turned in early, and the league eliminated their last week of OTAs. In this case, once the artibtators rule on the grievances, the league will step in and decide what, if any, penalty or penalties the Texans are going to get. Because of the video provided by Stevenson, the Texans can't deny it. Also, Black didn't claim in his grievance he was injured in an illegal drill. He told ESPN that. -- JOHN}

from the link way down in the comments

Black, I wonder why he didn't claim this on his grievance?
(I have theories but..)
The other day when The General was on 610am a guy called in with a typical no way trade suggestion of Andre Davis for Haloti Ngata. John displayed his football acumen by saying Ngata is a 3-4 DT not a 4-3 DT. Really John? Ngata sitting in between Okoye and Mario just wouldn't work out because he is a "3-4" DT. Get serious.
The other day when The General was on 610am a guy called in with a typical no way trade suggestion of Andre Davis for Haloti Ngata. John displayed his football acumen by saying Ngata is a 3-4 DT not a 4-3 DT. Really John? Ngata sitting in between Okoye and Mario just wouldn't work out because he is a "3-4" DT. Get serious.

His new thing is to dismiss the idea of the team getting someone like Orakpo or Maybin because they aren't big enough to play LDE. And, according to McClain, Mario plays RDE so they need a bigger DE who can hold up on the strong side. I guess there's no point in pointing out a team like Indy who has Freeney and Mathis on opposite ends. Or, pointing out the fact that Mario can and does play LDE. Not only that, but Mario is a guy that you're gonna move around in passing situations in order to exploit matchups.
The other day when The General was on 610am a guy called in with a typical no way trade suggestion of Andre Davis for Haloti Ngata. John displayed his football acumen by saying Ngata is a 3-4 DT not a 4-3 DT. Really John? Ngata sitting in between Okoye and Mario just wouldn't work out because he is a "3-4" DT. Get serious.

When Ngata intercepted Sage on the 1 yard line for some reason I thought to myself, "Wow, that was an excellent play by a FOOTBALL PLAYER."

I am sure McClain didn't even recognize the play because that's not a play that a 3-4 NT can make...
The other day when The General was on 610am a guy called in with a typical no way trade suggestion of Andre Davis for Haloti Ngata. John displayed his football acumen by saying Ngata is a 3-4 DT not a 4-3 DT. Really John? Ngata sitting in between Okoye and Mario just wouldn't work out because he is a "3-4" DT. Get serious.

I watched Ngata calling signals as the upback for the punt team at Oregon . He is big , agile , and strong . I remember watching him ... I think it was him ... as a man among boys in the Army highschool all-star game .
don't the Raven's run a hybrid defence anyways running both 34 & 43 packages?

I lol'd for the Ngata / Davis trade suggestion...
When Ngata intercepted Sage on the 1 yard line for some reason I thought to myself, "Wow, that was an excellent play by a FOOTBALL PLAYER."

I am sure McClain didn't even recognize the play because that's not a play that a 3-4 NT can make...
I was at that game with an EZ seat so I got to watch Ngata make that play at close range and it was as you say "an excellent play for a football player" but an incredible athletic feat for a 300+ lb. football player.
This is just further testimony to the calibre of talent in the 2006 Draft, where
Ngata was not taken until the 12th pick.
If I could take one player but only one from the Baltimore defense it would be this guy. Before Ed Sneed, before Ray Lewis, before Suggs, before any of them.
His new thing is to dismiss the idea of the team getting someone like Orakpo or Maybin because they aren't big enough to play LDE. And, according to McClain, Mario plays RDE so they need a bigger DE who can hold up on the strong side. I guess there's no point in pointing out a team like Indy who has Freeney and Mathis on opposite ends. Or, pointing out the fact that Mario can and does play LDE. Not only that, but Mario is a guy that you're gonna move around in passing situations in order to exploit matchups.

Plus, we're not HOLDING THE LINE like we did when Richard Smith was here.

We're getting to the ball. McClain needs to remember that the defensive style changed the day Frank Bush became d-coord.

No more waiting and watching. It's GO time.
If the Ravens decide to trade H. Ngata for Andre Davis I would do it in a heartbeat. Mr. Ngata can play in any system.