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Texan Blog

Afer reading the fan blog I'm a little bit hesitant to say that the Texans might be the surprise team in the AFC this year. The following are some reasons why I'm a little bit skeptical:

1. We have a QB with very little NFL experience.
2. We have aging RBs in Ahman Green and Ron Dayne. I am wondering how fast they can go through the holes created by the offensive line.
3. We don't have a WR who can complement Andre Johnson. Hopefully, Owen Daniels can help.
4 We don't have anyone in the secondary who can help out Dante Robinson.

Believe me, I would really love for our team to kick some major league ass. We seem to be making strides in the right direction. Hopefully, our offensive line will show improvement. This year I see the Texans at 7-9. Next year I see the Texans at 8-8. However, the year after I see them being at 9-7 and being a viable playoff contender.

P.S. Now that I have posted this under the correct thread, the powers that be on these message boards (Vinny) won't delete this post this time. Perhaps the moderator could've just moved my post to this thread insyead of deleting it alltogether like they used to do in the past. It certainly would've saved me the time of having to start from scratch. Thanks Vinny.
I think that Texans_Chick does the fan blog.:fans: :texan: :logo: :wherewill :fieldgoal :fieldgoal
Texans_Chick does the AOL fan blog. This is not the AOL fan blog. Besides, anyone can do a blog. I don't believe it's specific to a person writing.

This blog was posted by a guy named Matt. Not much information given out but he definitely does an outstanding job. I'll be reading more and more of his blogs. Great find, Wario.
Texans_Chick does the AOL fan blog. This is not the AOL fan blog. Besides, anyone can do a blog. I don't believe it's specific to a person writing.

This blog was posted by a guy named Matt. Not much information given out but he definitely does an outstanding job. I'll be reading more and more of his blogs. Great find, Wario.


It's great that there are now more blogs on the Texans. When I first started writing, they were very few and far between.

I used to write the FanBlog for the Chronicle but it got way too time consuming. Hobby turning into non-paid job = drag. That and I didn't like to be at a game all day and then feel pressured to come home and write about it right away, especially if it was a sucky game.

Thomas Hilton now writes the Chronicle FanBlog. The old writing I did has his name up top but I wrote it from the beginning through the very beginning of February.

I write for AOL Sports FanHouse and love it. I kind of see it as a way to educate a more national audience about the Texans. That maybe getting that stuff out there might make people rethink things.

I like Matt's DGDB&D a lot. The Battle Red Blog has some nice things in it too.

My addy is in my signature. They are asking me to write about more generalized sports topics too--that's fun because anytime I have a bug about something, I can go off. I should be doing some video stuff in the future, (I think). The FanHouse is now the #1 Sports blog on the internet with over 19 million individual page hits a month. I really like the people who run it, and I like what they do. The Debriefing is one of the entertaining sports reads of the day: link.