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So, here we are again


All Pro
Well, like I was saying earlier this week.. the way we play this game will be very telling about whether or not we have grown into a great football team.

We came out stale.. just like we have done after big wins most every other time. We have accomplished the 2 wins in a row.. now Carr will be growing his hair out until we get 3 wins in a row :P.

I was hoping we would be surprised this week by a team that has learned how to be consistent.. but it appears we havent quite reached that level yet.

Well, the season isnt over.. and there is still time to learn. The good news is that we ARE a much improved team.. and the 5 year plan MAY have just become a 4 year plan.

SO.. next week we go up against the Colts :). Its time to show them that we are a better team than they played last year :). We beat the tacks, we beat the jags.. now we need to beat the colts.

Remember to root against them on MNF everyone :). if they lose we are still ahead of them in the division.
We are a .500 team, and the hallmark of a .500 team is to win as many as they lose. We are still a team that is a bit away from even considering a tag of 'great'.
well the point is... if we had won this game.. we would have taken a pretty good step in the "great" direction.... then a win against Indi would have put us on the cusp of "great" :).. from there all we would need is a playoff berth and we could get away with saying we were "a great team"

Now.. we took a step back.. and we will have to prove ourselves all over again.

coming up we have:


so.. there is a possible 3 win streak right there. After that is the Jets.. and i watched their game in Buffalo.. they are a possible win as well.
Its gotten to the point where we should/could win every game we go into. They just have to play like they are capable every week. I think losses were easier to take when we knew they would lose lol.
you aren't a great team until you've proven yourself mulitple seasons in a row

Tampa Bay was a great team when they won the superbowl.. carolina was a great team last year. Im not saying that going to the playoffs this year would forever put us in the books as a dynasty :P.. im simply saying that winning todays game would have shown that we have matured as a team and are ready to play consistently and win the games we are capable of winning(more often than not)... and that if we had continued on to the playoffs from that.. that would have shown we were a great team (at least for this season). And we could still do it.

Actually we came out on fire.... the fact that we did not score on that first drive doomed us. That was alot of effort to get to thier 20 yard line and for Brown to muck it up + the Genn penalty pretty much deflated all the momentum we had.

eh.. i agree the first drive went well.. but i dont think one good offensive drive qualifies. Our offense came out to play.. obviously.. but our defense came out staler than last years bread, and they drug our offense down with them.
We were playing a denver team that had lost 2 straight and playing at home. I said before the game I would like to see us at least split the roadie, which isn't unreasonable. I like our chances better against Indy following a MNF game as opposed to Denver who had lost two straight playing at home. Let's swallow this one and go take a division game in Indy!
Like Vinny said we're a .500 team. Ups and downs are going to be the pattern until they turn that corner. I think it's actually harder to get past that "middle of the road" level than it is to rise from being a loser to middle of the road. Learning how to win consistently seems to be a much bigger challenge.

Every year you get games where "dogs" beat good teams when they shouldn't. The talent level is so even that the "any given Sunday" line is more relevant than ever before. Anybody can upset a better team from time to time and most every team in the league can win about as many as they lose. Getting over that .500 hump though takes a talented, grown up team. We're talented but we're far from mature.

They came out hot today, had a couple of setbacks in the stalled first drive and the completely fraudulent interference call and the Texans packed their bags right then and there. Little things like that shut down .500 teams. They lose their focus and stumble.

Remember how long it took the Oilers to get better than 8-8 or 9-7? Sure under Glanville they went to the playoffs a few years in a row (always as a wild card and barely getting in) but they weren't really a playoff team. They laid an egg regularly (almost every other week). Glanville wasn't a good enough coach to drag that team above that level. Hopefully Capers can teach this team to be good week in and week out.
With the success of the Astros and Red Sox, maybe everyone was thinking playoffs for our Texans. This is the NFL, and anything can happen.

But we are still a few pieces short IMO. We can't win too many so that we can get DJ (Derrick Johnson) from UT. His hustle would look great kicking A** with the Texans.

Maybe he will bring the main things I think we're lacking, both on defense: A nasty attitude and a true leader. Someone who wouldn't let us get down after halfway through the first quarter like today. Sharper is great for the D (leader-wise), but we need more.

Also, we need some bigger bodies on each of the lines to wear down people. Big and talented, of course. We see what happens when we have Seth Payne back. He is looking like he is just now getting back to 100%. Too many games we are losing the war in the trenches.

Htown34s said:
But we are still a few pieces short IMO. We can't win too many so that we can get DJ (Derrick Johnson) from UT. His hustle would look great kicking A** with the Texans.
The only way to be in position to pick him is to lose the rest of our games. He will be picked higher than Vilma was last year. Odds are he will play for another NFL franchise.
Grid said:
coming up we have:
so.. there is a possible 3 win streak right there. After that is the Jets.. and i watched their game in Buffalo.. they are a possible win as well.

I love the optimism Grid!

I'd say we should go 2-2 over those, and end up .500 at the end of the year, which is what everyone on this board was thinking before the year started.

I'm going to the night time Packers game that will be shown on ESPN. I love night time football!
We've had 2 big consecutive wins against division rivals, and Denver had a big loss at home last year. They are a playoff team, " right now" we're not.
We're do for a letdown, they are due to bounce back at home after last week, especially with their bye week coming up. Forget this game. Hopefully nobody got hurt bad ? Its a game, especially under the circunstances, we definitely don't expect to win.
If ya would of told me we'd be at 500 this point durning the season before the year started i would have been happy with it,, but now that i see what our team can do i dont think i'd be happy at 500. There is still time left in the season so i wont give up hope yet !
Several boards I am on have us picked for 9-7 (hey I was excited for 8-8 like everyone else and still am). This did include today's anticipated loss.
Hey, it is year 3 and we have to be realistic. We lost today to a better team. It happens. I hate eating crow but I had to. :rofl:

This is not our first loss and won't be the last, just need to learn from them! I still think we can take the ponies next week! :headbang:

2-0 in division. It's still all good!
well if we go 6-0 in the division and lose every other game :)..we would most likely still lose the division. It is only useful if you come into a tie.. like us and the colts are 10-6 and leading the division.. we would win because we had more division wins.. but if the colts had beat us twice.. then they would win.. but if we had split wins with the colts but gone 4-0 against the tacks and jags.. then we would win :).. assuming the colts didnt also go 4-0.

Denver is just really tough to play in, we played them good for a while but the mistakes were killing us. The matchup just favored Denver being that they were at home, have seen the zone blocking scheme before and Shanahan seems to have a knack for picking a 3-4 a apart. Before the season started this was won of those games that i had us pegged as not winning, on to the next one.
We certainly needed to bring our "A" game to win it, but we brought our "C-" game instead. Let's go punk the Dolts, that will be more fun anyway!
It just seems that way. We had hysteria two pages deep in this forum then. We only have a few threads expressing dissapointment today and there is a healthy % of the fans who understand where we are around here.
TexansTrueFan said:
i hear more complaints beign at 4-4 that i did when we were 0-2

I was asking for coaches to be fired at 0-2 infact all of them. I still think some should go but honestly we are 4-2 in our last 6 so now is not the time yet. If we finish as bad as we did last year heads should roll. 3-5 or better is what we need to go for the coaches to save there jobs.
yeah thats true but if ya notice there alot more people on the site and joined the site than there we back then !!! We are a young growing team and i'm overall pretty happy with how the season has gone so far, It looks like we might just be on that 5 year plan they set for us !
Well we have a brutal stretch of games coming up so buckle up people it's gut check time. 6-10 would still make me happy, that's only 2 more games. Anything more than that would make this year a success.
Titanico said:

You should've seen me when we beat the Titans. I was on a huge soap box talking about how Steve Mcnair threw 4 INTs and we just basically went into Tenn. and punked the Titans.