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Release of George


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Does the release of eddie george and the retirement of frank wycheck help the texans any in winning the divison or gettin the wild card spot over the titans or will there replacements fuill there job and have us put two unwanted losses on our record.
of course this will help you also have to realize that Mcnair will be a yr old and he is always getting hurt, without george and wycheck, steve will have alot harder yr this yr. i dont know about taking away 2 losses but i would be very happy if we go 1-1 against the titans and the colts.
we play each team in our divison twice and we are 2-2 vs. the jags, 0-4 vs. the colts and also 0-4 vs. the titans. If we beat the jags both times and win 1 of the two if not even both against that colts and titans thatll put out record around 9-7 or even better if we use our potentional which would put us in the playoffs.
2-0 is possible against titans but not the colts 1-1 against the colts 2-0 against jags
5-1 in division makes us serious contenders to win the division if not we will get wild card and make playoffs,no playoff predictions from me at this time.
I don't think that Wychek's loss helps us out much because they have a very good TE in Kinney and a promising rookie TE in Troupe. The greatest benefit will be the loss of George. Although he wasn't likely to make a game breaking play, he was very capable of eating up the clock and tiring out a defense. The Titans will miss him in short yardage situations, but McNair is always a wildcard. He's proven again and again that he can play hurt, and play great at that. I don't believe McNair is ever 100% healthy. Imagine how amazing he would be if he were. The Colts are still very tough, and we will be lucky to go 1-1 against them. I don't see the Titans sweeping us this year, and we have a chance at getting both games against them. Jacksonville has a tough D, but I think we split the series with them as well. Overall we will have a very good and productive year, but I think perhaps a record no worse than 7-9 and no better than 10-6. Outside shot at the playoffs, but I wouldnt bet on it.
If we go 5-1 in our division, well, I don't know what I'd do...but it would be extreme. If we go 3-3 in our division and split with each team, I would be extremely happy. 5-1 and I'm thinking not only playoffs but Super Bowl :crazy:
If we split everyone, that would be a MAJOR achievement. Doubt it though. Colts will likely be to much for us still. Might be able to sweep one of the others though.
346, i know steve always plays hurt and plays very well when hurt, but i think that his age will play a big factor this yr, plus what kind of role will their new RB Antowain Smith play against us.
McNair has only missed 3 games out of the last 64 NFL regular season possible starts. He is as durable as any QB in the NFL.

The Titans RB situation is miserable. I'm not high on Brown at all. He runs too high, isn't elusive enough to avoid hard hits, and has yet to prove he can last a season without getting injured. They will have a backfield by committee this year since they really do not have a feature back. Brown did well in spurts last year but the coaches kept giving the bulk of the carries to a broken down George and his 3 ypc. I can see Smith and Brown splitting the carries.
Antowine Smith (coming from the Pats) and Chris Brown make a very good couple. We are stronger than ever in that position.
Eddie George's departure just take off a load the team has been carring in the last 3 seasons. George had just 2 games over the 100+ yards, he had an average of 3.7 yards per carry on last season...his commitment to the team vanished since the Super Bowl appeareance in '99.

George just showed a decent commitment, at last year's post season game, playing against Baltimore. But that was it.

Many of us at the Titans Online Message Board, agree on that. We are pretty happy that George left...then many were really upset when learning that George signed the same type of contract the Titans were offering to him, with the Cowgirls.

The Titans are a very well balanced team, with the vets required in key positions, and very good and talented rookies, that all are very focused and fired-up to help the team to get the ultimate goal this coming season.

We won't miss George.
It looks like the worst RB situation in the NFL to me. You have a guy nobody wanted (Smith) and you pair him with a back that hasn't been healthy in a full season ever. Colorado backs are like Penn St backs in the NFL. Guys like Rashaan Salaam, Chris Brown, Blair Thomas, Curtis Enis and Ki-Jana Carter all have impressive College careers but don't do much in the NFL. You have a College-system back in Brown.
frank's retirement and george's release only takes away the players mcnair has been used to playing for their running game i only look at it to get better...chris brown was dominate in college ball and i can easily see him being dominate in the pros...however there defense will not be the same...smith and kearse are gone...their linebackers are unknowns except bullock...and their secondary will be tested this season...mcnair is getting older and i believe this will be the season that the injuries catch up with him
Believe me guys...we are covered in every position, and everyone at the Titans camp, has done a terrific of season.

You can be bsed in what you are saying. But the truth is that the Titans are strong enough, to get a long way in the '04 season, and not missing guys like: George, Kearse or Wycheck.

TE Troupe is a good addition that is going to give more flexibility, TE Kinney, made a very good job. I hope you are ready to listen Tyrone Cailo's name a lot because he is a heck of a WR, coming more settled down, and after McCarriens departure to the Jets.

We are so ready...that the Titans have an advantage over Indianapolis, since the Colts are showing a real weakness at the D.
first off they could balrely beat us with them and they wont be as strong as they were last season and were stronger so we WILL beat yall once this year.
I think the comment about the Titans D is a bit off base. Their D-Line was plucked clean in free agency. Kearse is in Phili and Smith is in Houston. Leaves you with an ever aging Carter and of course Haynesworth from the original line. Carlos Hall was a good backup defensive end in the past, but nowhere near as good as the DE that left. When you're depending on rookies like Odom and LaBoy to fill in crucial positions on your D-Line I think the Colt's D is the least of your worries. McNair is great, but no doubt that the offense will miss George's leadership and his tough hard nosed play. The best offense is a tough hard nosed back who will wear down and punish the opposing defense. I doubt that Brown, Holcombe, and Smith will combine for half of the toughness and heart of George.
__V__ said:
It looks like the worst RB situation in the NFL to me. You have a guy nobody wanted (Smith) and you pair him with a back that hasn't been healthy in a full season ever. Colorado backs are like Penn St backs in the NFL. Guys like Rashaan Salaam, Chris Brown, Blair Thomas, Curtis Enis and Ki-Jana Carter all have impressive College careers but don't do much in the NFL. You have a College-system back in Brown.
I agree about the dismal projection of performance from the Titans RB, and believe the loss of George is going to hurt them in more than just yards per carry that Titans fans keep alluding to. Eddie gave more than just 110% on the field. He gave 110% off of the field too. He was a great leader, and midway through the season when Brown is hobbling, and Smith is coming up short, and the crowd in the "Coliseum" is unusually quiet, when they had been chanting "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.." seasons before - those big unfilled shoes will belong to #27 for Dallas.
The only RB situation worse to me in the NFL, would be Miami's because of Williams departure.
Yeah, that 3.2 yards per carry over the last three seasons is going to be real hard to replace.
aj. said:
Yeah, that 3.2 yards per carry over the last three seasons is going to be real hard to replace.

Now come on, just think of this from the Cowboys' perspective--they get to replace a 3.5 ypc guy with no leadership ability with a 3.2 ypc guy with leadership ability on another team, all in place of a 3.8 ypc guy with leadership ability on their own team--and at the cool price tag of an extra mil or so. I'm calling the Titans the winner on this set of transactions.