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Hookem Horns

Texans Talk Bartender
Staff member
I just added the MP3 player featuring Texans songs, NFL headlines, and Texans headlines above the board. With this you will be able to listen to these songs and see the headlines as your browse and post on the board. You will only see these features if you hit the "Message Board" button on the main page. If you hit the board direct link you will not see this.

I couldn't get the MP3 player to layout exactly like I wanted it however. I will play with it later.

I need feedback from you guys. Do these things add too much header room creating an annoyance or is the extra header room worth the ability to be able to listen to Texans related songs and seeing headlines while viewing the board?

If this isn't popular I can easily remove it or if many like it but some do not, you can easily eliminate these features by hitting the board direct link from the home page.

If you have come via the direct link and would like to see what I am referring to click this link,com_wrapper/Itemid,4/
I just added the MP3 player featuring Texans songs, NFL headlines, and Texans headlines above the board. With this you will be able to listen to these songs and see the headlines as your browse and post on the board. You will only see these features if you hit the "Message Board" button on the main page. If you hit the board direct link you will not see this.

I couldn't get the MP3 player to layout exactly like I wanted it however. I will play with it later.

I need feedback from you guys. Do these things add too much header room creating an annoyance or is the extra header room worth the ability to be able to listen to Texans related songs and seeing headlines while viewing the board?

If this isn't popular I can easily remove it or if many like it but some do not, you can easily eliminate these features by hitting the board direct link from the home page.

I like the songs where they are at.

It's fun to listen to them from time to time and think about some good/drunk times at Reliant.

Great addition to the board.
I like it. It is sortof like one stop shopping - news, headlines, a little music and a message board all on one page. What more could a person want...besides a winning season?
You guys get me access to that stuff and I will add it if it is appropriate. Speaking of appropriate (or not appropriate) I am going to edit "Down with the Sickness". I just realized there is some real foul stuff at the end of that song. They have obviously edited that for radio play. If I can't find the radio version I will just use a fade effect and end the song early before the bad stuff kicks in.
You guys get me access to that stuff and I will add it if it is appropriate. Speaking of appropriate (or not appropriate) I am going to edit "Down with the Sickness". I just realized there is some real foul stuff at the end of that song. They have obviously edited that for radio play. If I can't find the radio version I will just use a fade effect and end the song early before the bad stuff kicks in.

Hookem, I will send you some music if I can. It is a good idea for Down with the Sickness. Another thought is that they have "clean" versions of the song available.
I only see 5 songs on the list and it won't scroll down for me. Am I doing something wrong or do others have the same issues?
Texans song rejected by fans!!!!

Man that blew up in their face. I wonder if it was written by the same guy who agreed with the P-Burnt and Babin trades. :gun:
Damn. I'm about to go get my gear on and start getting hammered after listening to the songs.

Is the season here yet???
Texans song rejected by fans!!!!

Man that blew up in their face. I wonder if it was written by the same guy who agreed with the P-Burnt and Babin trades. :gun:

As soon as I heard it I said the same I think. I was sure that Charley Casserly commissioned the piece and loved it....and still loves it to this day.
Texans song rejected by fans!!!!

Man that blew up in their face. I wonder if it was written by the same guy who agreed with the P-Burnt and Babin trades. :gun:

Just to set the record straight about that song - the leader of the BPPB wrote it to meet the requests of someone extremely high up in the organization, and no it wasn't Casserly. Lamar wrote exactly what was requested of him, and it had the boss's seal of approval before the public ever heard it. Then it got played and panned and subsequently dropped. Take it from someone who's been in those shoes - that's a pretty gut-wrenching experience for a songwriter. Big props to Mr. McNair though...he recognized immediately that it did not meet with public approval, and in spite of the fact that he personally liked it, he responded to his team's fans and pulled the plug. Unlike another certain owner we used to have that kept that god-awful Houston Oilers #1 song in spite of how much people hated it. I usually stay quiet on this topic since I'm pretty close to it, but when I saw CC mentioned, I thought some clarification was needed.

As for songs playing on the webpage, I think it's a great idea if you have broadband, but as someone that is stuck on dialup at home, all I request is that there's a way to shut it off so it doesn't eat up my limited bandwidth.

And to whoever mentioned Sam Spence tunes, I wholeheartedly agree. We need LOTS more Sam Spence!!!
Just to set the record straight about that song - the leader of the BPPB wrote it to meet the requests of someone extremely high up in the organization, and no it wasn't Casserly. Lamar wrote exactly what was requested of him, and it had the boss's seal of approval before the public ever heard it. Then it got played and panned and subsequently dropped. Take it from someone who's been in those shoes - that's a pretty gut-wrenching experience for a songwriter. Big props to Mr. McNair though...he recognized immediately that it did not meet with public approval, and in spite of the fact that he personally liked it, he responded to his team's fans and pulled the plug. Unlike another certain owner we used to have that kept that god-awful Houston Oilers #1 song in spite of how much people hated it. I usually stay quiet on this topic since I'm pretty close to it, but when I saw CC mentioned, I thought some clarification was needed.

As for songs playing on the webpage, I think it's a great idea if you have broadband, but as someone that is stuck on dialup at home, all I request is that there's a way to shut it off so it doesn't eat up my limited bandwidth.

And to whoever mentioned Sam Spence tunes, I wholeheartedly agree. We need LOTS more Sam Spence!!!

I heard McNair himself requested the song and he wanted something in the same vain as the "Hail to the Redskins" song. If true, he definitely got his wish. That song was a cross between "Hail to the Redskins" and "Texas Fight" from UT. Not a bad idea, and surely not poorly written, however it just didn't work.

I don't remember too many complaining about the Oilers song. Those of us that grew up in the Luv Ya Blue era loved it. I had the 45 record as a kid (as well as others like the "Luv Ya Blue" song and "Oiler Cannonball" song by Carl Mauck). Those were magical years for me. Bud did a lot of things wrong but the Oilers did a lot of things right (I say Oilers because I don't know if Bud was behind any of the songs or other things I liked about the organization).

I personally hate getting blasted with music when I visit a site so the songs on this site will never be on "auto-play". If you want to hear them you have to press play. With that in mind people on dial up should have no worries there.
I only see 5 songs on the list and it won't scroll down for me. Am I doing something wrong or do others have the same issues?

Ditto, I can only see 5-ish and won't scroll down. Not sure what the top arrow does, looks like it wants to open something and scrolls a list, but it's not visible. I like the idea though.
Ditto, I can only see 5-ish and won't scroll down. Not sure what the top arrow does, looks like it wants to open something and scrolls a list, but it's not visible. I like the idea though.

It's just the way that thing was designed. In order for me to display all the songs I would have to create a larger space up there. It's a Flash display not Java. You are still getting all the songs, just arrow forward to hear everything in there.

BTW, I just edited the Down with the Sickness song. I did a fade out effect before the foul stuff kicks in. Thanks for all the feedback guys.
I can't play the songs and read the MB board at the same time. The sound shuts off. Is this suppose to happen?
Just to set the record straight about that song - the leader of the BPPB wrote it to meet the requests of someone extremely high up in the organization, and no it wasn't Casserly. Lamar wrote exactly what was requested of him, and it had the boss's seal of approval before the public ever heard it. Then it got played and panned and subsequently dropped. Take it from someone who's been in those shoes - that's a pretty gut-wrenching experience for a songwriter. Big props to Mr. McNair though...he recognized immediately that it did not meet with public approval, and in spite of the fact that he personally liked it, he responded to his team's fans and pulled the plug. Unlike another certain owner we used to have that kept that god-awful Houston Oilers #1 song in spite of how much people hated it. I usually stay quiet on this topic since I'm pretty close to it, but when I saw CC mentioned, I thought some clarification was needed.

Thanks for the heads up, as I've always wondered about the background to that song. We enjoyed it for the one pre-season game it got played...but then again, we had four dudes doing 'death metal' vocals (i.e. Cookie Monster) to it, too. Those around us found it(us) quite amusing.

Regarding the old Oiler fight song...loved it as a kid, but that doesn't say much, cuz I also used to like that runny cheese that stadium put on nachos, too. I find the song quite dated and silly from my adult perspective, and I'm glad we didn't try to emulate it with the Texans.
Texans song rejected by fans!!!!

Finally got to listen to it at work... WOW, it's been a while since I heard that really is VERY BAD, isn't it? If it didn't have the cheesy sounding opera singers it might be at least tolerable, forgot how bad that sounds...Just, wow....I'm blown away...Please don't ever make me listen to that again...