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lynch may still be playing sunday

Lynch speaks out about cheap hits - Denver Post - Patrick Saunders
Thursday, November 04, 2004 - Injured Broncos safety John Lynch fired off a warning Wednesday to Atlanta receiver Brian Finneran . In the Falcons' 41-28 victory Sunday, Finneran made a controversial block that knocked Lynch out of the game. Lynch suffered a stress fracture in his sacrum, a triangular bone located just above the tailbone, and likely will miss Sunday's game against Houston. The Broncos said Lynch would miss two to four weeks, but he was upgraded to doubtful against the Texans. Lynch said he's holding out hope he'll be healed enough to play. A number of Broncos called Finneran's block dirty, but Falcons coach Jim Mora defended the play, adding, "What goes around comes around." Lynch spoke publicly about the block for the first time Wednesday.

Lynch doesn't want to be ruled out yet - Daily Camera - Ryan Thorburn
November 4, 2004 - John Lynch is hurting but in a hurry. Trevor Pryce is feeling better but staying patient. The Denver Broncos aren't planning on having either defensive starter available for Sunday's game against Houston at Invesco Field. Lynch is listed as doubtful on this week's injury report after sustaining a lower-back injury during the loss to Atlanta. The stubborn safety made it clear to the coaching staff that he doesn't want to be scratched from this Sunday's game just yet.
let him play. he will hurt the broncos more than he will help.

I agree, apparently the backup they have is pretty good. I want lynch out there if he is not 100%. That is something we can take advantage of.
let him play. he will hurt the broncos more than he will help.

Agreed , ever had a Bruised Tailbone ? Much less a Broken one ..... It freakin HURTS . If he does play he wont be 100% and thats good for the Texans. :popcorn:
Just give it to A.J let him knock Lynch on his A** one time and i bet that game will be over for him ! Football is to physical especially on the lower body to play with a broken tail bone,,,but i seriously doubt he'll play,,,,and i doubt you'll see him sitting on the bench much :thumbup
AJ would Crush JL.. They are dumb to start him... I know they need a win to keep in the race as do we but don't jepordize the game or heath of one of your players
And i think lynch needs to just set out for his own safety,,,plus i dont see how u cn be 100% with a broken tailbone ! He will hurt them more than he helps them ! I doubt he'll really play it seems a lot of teams have been doing this lately,,,saying players will then they dont our saying they wont than they do...All just mind games !
i mean a broken tail bone,,,,he would have to be on some serious drugs to play through that !!! its not like ya can just tape it up and make it all better lol
Andre_Johnson80 said:
He is just going to get himself hurt bad..

yeah ur right and i believe that Lynch is a little smarter than that ! He wont play but mike would prolly let him if he wanted to !! Mike S. has always been selfish all he cares about is winning and not the safety of his players ! And that is the biggest thing i like about Capers he puts the health of his players first !!!!
They'll probably give him such strong painkillers he won't be able to even feel his tailbone.

That is if he plays.

The Broncos may decide it's not worth it.
What I saw was him getting RAN OVER by a running back, having to end the game. Anyone who watched NFL Primetime know what i'm talkin' about.
Correct me if i'm wrong.
John Lynch is rather upset over the hit he took from the Falcons' Brian Finneran.
Lynch was angry enough following the play that, after the Broncos medical staff helped him up, he chased Finneran into the Falcons huddle to express his displeasure.

Three days later and facing the prospect of missing two to four weeks because of the injury, Lynch didn't feel any better about it.

"After viewing it, it was a legal hit," Lynch said Wednesday. "Again, we've talked about it before: There's legal and I think there's also - etiquette and football don't really go together - but there's a code of conduct.

"Thirty yards away from the ball, I don't think that's necessary. That's the great thing about this game; you always have an opportunity. My parents taught me in life not to be a vindictive person, but one of the great things about football is it doesn't always carry the same rules.

"I'll have my opportunity, and when that comes, I'll do it cleanly, but that's really my only feelings on that whole situation."
I don't remember Lynch taking his former Buc teammate Warren Sapp to task when Sapp gave Packer Chad Clifton a similar cheapshot in 2002. Clifton was hospitalizied for a month after the hit. Where was Lynch's outrage then?