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Love this game and team !

I have noticed that the younger generations coming up even though i am only 19 (20 in December yall remember) dont seem to appreciate the NFL ! Their is rarely anyone my age around where i live that watches the Texans or any team, and it kinda concerns me because i dont want this sport to die out our become less popular like baseball did over the last 40 years ! I have brainwashed my 2 lil bros 8 and 9 and they LOVE the Texans so i'm doing my part ! Just wondering if yall noticed the same thing ?!?!?!?
i'm not talking about just the texans but i mean the NFL in general ! But i think the texans are gaining more fans slowly but surely,,,i mean in the last 2 weeks i have seen so many new people join this sight and its because (i think cause we're winning now) and that will get you support !
I think it's all relative. For example, friends that I hang out with all the time couldn't care less about football. The most important thing you've got to ask yourself is whether or not you see people in the stands when you go see a football game, and to my knowlege, there has been no shortage of people filling in the stands.

Don't worry, the NFL is still America's pasttime. Baseball is on a pretty big upswing (thanks to Red Sox and Yankees), but it still does not compare with the NFL.
I dont think football is a game for youngsters the way that baseball or soccer is.

I think the nuances of football are just too much for a young mind to really appreciate :).. i know when I was younger.. i watched the superbowl and that was about it.. but id watch baseball 24/7.. and I played baseball as well, so that is probably why.

When I got older.. I learned to love football. I think alot of kids will take the same route I did.
In my house we love to play baseball, but hate watching it. We get so happy when the World Series is over because it takes up to much of the Bottom Line on ESPN when I am trying to look at scores and it takes up to much space where football highlights could be.
Yeah i love to play all sports too especially baseball. but when football season is over all i watch is basketball (Rockets not looking to good off that mcgrady trade by the way) !!!! And i see the seats in the stand are still filled up, and i'd just like to see it stay that way !
That's not the case where I live. My sons 13 years and 10 years and freinds are big time Texan/nfl fans. Both play football and really get pumped about the games. A junior high group had a dance and the attire for the evening was sport's wear. Out of around 400+- kids, 80%, both boys and girls wore Davis Carr jerseys. So, I'm not too concerned about the future fan base. It's there
Grid said:
I dont think football is a game for youngsters the way that baseball or soccer is.

I think the nuances of football are just too much for a young mind to really appreciate :).. i know when I was younger.. i watched the superbowl and that was about it.. but id watch baseball 24/7.. and I played baseball as well, so that is probably why.

When I got older.. I learned to love football. I think alot of kids will take the same route I did.

This was the way things were with me when I was young as well. I didn't start getting into football until the Texans inception. When I was in high school and the Oilers were about, I knew of the general activities and success, but never watched games or cared to pay much attention. It wasn't until I was in college and the Texans showed up that I really became interested. Other than the big hits, it just isn't a game that appeals to the younger generation. But it has such a HUGE appeal to the older generations, that I don't really forsee it losing any large amount of popularity anytime soon.
I started watching football at an early age. I started watching the Texans since day one but didnt pay much attention to the NFL before that. Mainly the only reason I started watching football is because of the Texans. I have my own house (renting) and every sunday i go to my garage and turn the tv on and start cheifin' watching the Texans play. My dream is to go to Reliant Stadium and watch them up live in person but because i have 2 daughters already and good seats are hard to find i cant do it so i just go to the garage and let them do what they do.
I have been watching football since I was 3yrs old, ever since Billy White Shoes Johnson was returning kicks and punts and Earl was drafted by the Oilers.
I was a cowboy fan until they got rid o Craig Morton / then a oilers fan till the move / Now a Die Hard TEXANS fan
I never paid attention to football until I met my hubby. Turned into a Green Bay fan but never really paid attention to the rest of it until the Texans came along. Now I am so far into it and the family can't quite understand where it came from. idonno:
Football is a rough and punishing sport. Size absolutely matters. Even in high school, most guys aren't big enough to even play wide-out or cb and, even if they are, they aren't nearly fast enough. Throw in the fact that those speed burners who get those positions are invariably black, while most students are white, and you've got a mixture for resentment. Now, throw in the fact that, in high school there is an overwhelming feeling of wanting to be seen as tough by most of the male population and you've got a school full of white and hispanic males who, mostly secretly, resent football. Most of them can't make the other sports teams either, but nobody's insecure about not being a 6'4'' beanpole or that they just can't happen to hit a curve-ball very well.

They'll get over that mild resentment that they've got as they get older and, bye the way, I'm not saying that it's prejudice. They feel that way about white football players too.

A few more names that make younsters not care about sports:

Doom 3
Ultima Online
NFS: Underground
Tony Hawks Whatever it is
Call of Duty
Rome: Total War
Half-Life (whatever version)
Aces High

The list actually goes on and on and on these days.

I've got a few of these myself and, believe me, all that time lost will make you spend less time in front of a TV.
I wasnt really an NFL fan until the texans came around. I sort of "grew up" with this team. Now I love the NFL and I watch as many games as i can every week, and read all the articles i can!
Chance_C said:
Most people your age are to worried about partying and girls to worry about football.

Your right about that ,,,i like to party ( idonno: no drinking though i'm under age LOL) but i'm in college and even have a job on sundays but i told my boss if he wanted me to continue working there he'd have to get cable and a tv so i could watch the Texans on sunday, they did and now i swear everybody up there is more involved in the team than i am ( ok not possible thats MY TEAM ) !!! I also hope L.A gets a team so the NFL fan base can spread more than it already is !
I actually disliked football when I first came here. I found it slow, boring, and made no sense to me at all. Then when the Texans came around I started seeing more games and I started understanding the little nuances of this game, and now I'm proud to say that I love this team and the NFL. There is no other league like it right now. Football is like watching a live action chess game!hehe..
Wait a minute.... I find it the same way in NJ. I mean kids my age(18) are all into fantasy football but I live for football. I watch every type of football whether its CFL, Arena(just to hold me over), College i love it all. I've been going to the draft for 2 years now... I just love the game.
TheTim5125 said:
Wait a minute.... I find it the same way in NJ. I mean kids my age(18) are all into fantasy football but I live for football. I watch every type of football whether its CFL, Arena(just to hold me over), College i love it all. I've been going to the draft for 2 years now... I just love the game.

thank god i'm not the only one my age who loves the NFL,,,i felt like a loser for a sec idonno: ,,,speaking of that anyone know any young attractive single women that LOVE the texans ( ok ok so i can wish cant i ) :thumbup
ya know.. thats one thing.. I LOVE the NFL.. i cant get enough of it.. but im not even slightly entertained by college or arena football. I dont understand why.. but for some reason I just cant get into it.

Anywho.. thats a little off topic but that comment made me wonder about it :)
i'm not really into to college but i will watch Texas play that is the only college ball i like and Arena football i have always thought is just dumb so the NFL is the best and its a lot more exciting,,,plus i hate the BCS standings in college they should have regular play offs like the nfl does it would make it more interesting !
About the only time I watch college ball is towards the end of thier season and someone mentions a guy we should pick up. I watch a bit of NFLE, mostly to avoid total withdrawl issues and to have a bit of a look at players we have over there and to see what we might be able to pick up.
As a kid, I was raised a Cowboy fan back in the days of Landry/Roger/Dorsett/Pearson/TooTall/Harvey Martin,etc...Then Earl stepped in the NFL and totally blew me away, I became a die hard Oiler fan until they left Houston, now the long wait is over and I do believe we have ourselves a contender in our 3rd year...Texan fans are the greatest in the NFL! Stay Proud and Yell LOUD!!!
!!!!GO TEXANS!!!!
Have no fear guys/gals! Take it from someone who has been in love with the game of football for over 50 years. I believe love for the game is passed on from one generation to another. I remember sitting on my Mom's knee and listening to football games on the radio. I took her to see her beloved Pasadena Eagles play football until the year she passed away, at age 79. Sundays were filled with church, fried chicken, and the NFL. Friday nights were reserved solely for high school football. She loved the game more than any man in my family, and I had three older brothers. Passion for the game comes from the heart, and knowledge of the game comes from watching. My Mom passed on the passion to me, and I passed it on to my girls. NOW, they are passing it on to their kids. My four grandkids have quickly become passionate TEXAN fans. They see it, live it, hear about it, and LOVE it! What a thrill it is when my 5y/o grandson comes over with his TEXAN shirt on, a big grin on his face, and gives me a "thumbs-up" sign after the TEXANS bring home a win. If you want your friends and loved ones to love the game of football, teach it to them, get them involved, and you will never have to watch a game alone. The NFL will NEVER die!!
a tissue you anyone !?! ~~~ here ya go Tim ,,,was quite sad !!

I love this game to but for some reason i dont really like the NCAA and i dont know if its beacause of how they dont really have any playoffs are the stupid BCS rankings,,,but its not even close to the NFL in my opinion !