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here or there?


Scarlet is hot.
Folks, is it just me, or the does the volume of posts here seem slow? I wonder if this is a post-draft lull, or the result of splitting the membership between here and the new Texans website.

I prefer this format. What are your thoughts?

It's both. There is always a post draft lull. There has been an overall loss of posts due to the MB software being problematic as well. Then you add on the split between two MB's--some folks will post on two MB's, some will only post on one.
I just saw a post over on the Texans forum that referred to this forum a few days ago. That's when I started to migrate over here; but I had a problem with my Favorites entry and I thought the site was down yesterda.

I prefer this forum and I'll probably be spending the majority of my time here. But for right now, there are still more posts in the other board so I'll still be over there for a bit until the posting picks up here.
I thought that the message board on the Texans website was my only option until I saw this. What made me even more happier was that all my history from the last message board carried over, which I didn't know it had. If I'd known earlier, I would have come to this board sooner. I still check out the other board, but I prefer this one 10 times over.
I wandered over to the Texan MB yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. My first thought, after reading a few of the posts and waiting forever for things to load, was I am so glad we have this MB. :user: Things should pick up after training camp starts and more people discover how grand this MB is.:doot: This is a terrific new home with outstanding people....and this MB has awesome smileys!
I post mostly opinion about what I see on the I don't tend to post as much in May. This site will never have the real high volume that the official site has...thankfully. It will pick up during football season. At times too much, I'm sure.
I'm on both.
But, I much perfer this one. I see myself over here about 95% of the time. It just reminds me of home.
You know the story, "Old dog and new tricks."
I post on both (more so here though). On the other site I have a link to this board. Hopefully the old crew see's it and tries us out.
This board will be what the MB community makes of it.

For those of us who want this to be a place of fun, good quality posts, we all have an obligation to contribute.

But yeah, not much football news is going on right now.
I think the people that call themselves 'Texans fans' right now - regardless if you are a season ticket holder or not, regardless of what forum you call home - are the core fans. If you're still with the team after the first five seasons, then you're a true Texans fan. We don't all have to agree (it would be a boring world if we all did), but I do appreciate the common passion that we share for our team.

That being said, there ain't a whole lot of us left. The boards are a reflection of that, as well. As soon as the team starts winning more than they lose, the bandwagon that we drive will fill up and this place (and will be rockin'!!

And off-season is always a traditional time of slow posting for a football forum.
That being said, there ain't a whole lot of us left. The boards are a reflection of that, as well. As soon as the team starts winning more than they lose, the bandwagon that we drive will fill up and this place (and will be rockin'!!

And off-season is always a traditional time of slow posting for a football forum.

There's some truth to that. Before SES flaked he sent out a newsletter to the database that carried over from the official board announcing this site. I logged in to see how many read or replied to the newsletter. There were LOTS of replies like "I am no longer a Texans fan take me off your list", "the Texans screwed themselves for the next 10 years for passing on Vince, take me off your list", "*$&# the Texans!", etc, etc. Those were just some of the mild ones. It was like reading tons of hate mail. The team is going to carry that stigma until they seriously start winning.
There's some truth to that. Before SES flaked he sent out a newsletter to the database that carried over from the official board announcing this site. I logged in to see how many read or replied to the newsletter. There were LOTS of replies like "I am no longer a Texans fan take me off your list", "the Texans screwed themselves for the next 10 years for passing on Vince, take me off your list", "*$&# the Texans!", etc, etc. Those were just some of the mild ones. It was like reading tons of hate mail. The team is going to carry that stigma until they seriously start winning.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, IMO.
Here. I can't stand the format over there - especially being unable to see the last unread post. It's just a thing for me I guess.

Plus, the load time over there is painful on my home cpu, but it's decent at work - so I may visit there to see if any headlines, but I'll be posting here. moreso when the season starts gearing up with practices and preseason.
Did they ever fix the crashing problem over there? I know, I know...go try it and find out for myself...
There were LOTS of replies like "I am no longer a Texans fan take me off your list", "the Texans screwed themselves for the next 10 years for passing on Vince, take me off your list", "*$&# the Texans!", etc, etc.

Just curious, but wouldn't that list have included a ton of trolls who joined just to post smack for a week, then disappear? Could be an explanation for some (obviously not all) of that kind of stuff.

I do think you're right that the fan base is just suffering right now. I asked a hometown buddy last week what he thought of this year's draft, and without missing a beat he said, "Hey, after LAST year's draft, I stopped caring." Stopped caring? After they drafted the DROY and some excellent young starters, and tripled their win total? Wow.

Oh, and as for "here or there:" Here. I've all but given up on the other place. I rely on the "Today's Posts" and "unread messages" buttons to scan the MB, and that place is just too annoying to get around now.

Just curious, but wouldn't that list have included a ton of trolls who joined just to post smack for a week, then disappear? Could be an explanation for some (obviously not all) of that kind of stuff.

I do think you're right that the fan base is just suffering right now. I asked a hometown buddy last week what he thought of this year's draft, and without missing a beat he said, "Hey, after LAST year's draft, I stopped caring." Stopped caring? After they drafted the DROY and some excellent young starters, and tripled their win total? Wow.

Oh, and as for "here or there:" Here. I've all but given up on the other place. I rely on the "Today's Posts" and "unread messages" buttons to scan the MB, and that place is just too annoying to get around now.


Don't forget the Bevo blowin A-Holes (ran into one this evening while watching the fight) who think that they are gods gift to football (never wore a jock in there life) and that only ut players should be on the Texans.

Yeah this is harsh, but I am sorry there are so many that give ut a bad name and a bad rep.
Let me add that I had no real issue with ut peeps until I moved to Austin. It just seems that they think they are better than everyone else. Also, I know a few ut grads that hate the way some ut folks act.
I do not care for UT fans in general, although I am a UT fan. I will not go to any games as I believe by and large they do not understand the ebb and flow of the game, development of players and the pressures that are on them. All they care about is a W by a large margin so that they can get on with their after game party/dinner.

Does not mean they are not good people, just not good fans in my opinion. Austin born UT fans are obviously different and by and lare most of those folks do not fit in the above mold. :pirate:
:coffee: Here ya go.

I guess the real question is.....:wherewill

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