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DD's emergence a key


All Pro
According to Carlton Thompson of the Chronicle in today's Sports 2 offering:

Davis believes the combination of running behind an improved offensive line and a new zone-blocking scheme implemented in part to accentuate two of his biggest strengths — vision and cutback ability — gives him a chance to join some elite company

Double D a Key

For those interested Chronicle watchers, they ran with 1 1/2 pages of Texans content today, just over a half-page of general NFL (McClain) and just over a half-page of Cowboys content (McClain). There was a small (4 column-inch) piece on the Titans inside the larger general NFL piece.
Honestly, I have nothing against the Cowboys. I'm not a fan, but I'm not a hater either. However, the amount of coverage the Chron gives them in todays
"Texans Training Camp" special is way out of line. I mean, I'm so excited 'bout the Texans this year, I dwell on every article on on them and I was really was looking forward to todays Chron special. But the headlines on the second and third page of the special include Dallas or Cowboys. And there's only
3 pages in the special ! If I want this much coverage about the Cowboys (not
that I do), I'll look at the Dallas Morning News ! I think some body at the Chronicle needs to take another look at their priorities re. NFL team coverage.
We got something pretty special happening here in Houston ( and I say that with total, extreme prejudice), and I don't want another NFL team (any team),
cutting in my Texans' media coverage. A little bit is OK, but todays Chron coverage was way out of line !
"For those interested Chronicle watchers, they ran with 1 1/2 pages of Texans content today, just over a half-page of general NFL (McClain) and just over a half-page of Cowboys content (McClain). There was a small (4 column-inch) piece on the Titans inside the larger general NFL piece."

They probably come to the message boards to get their information anyway .. :rolleyes:

Double D's da man ... love his SPUNK and determination!
they ran a page and a half? seems to me at least half that was the giant picture of davis. if u look at the written content it was far less then a page and a half. now if they would of dedicated the rest to "various teams" throughout the problem. the boys? please. im almost done wasting my money on this puke.
I read the spread in the chronicle too, and there was too much cowgirls press. The spread of the Texans was 1 1/1 pages, with almost half being the picture of DD, that quite honestly I can get off the website. Let me know whats going on with him, the workouts, the team, the mindset. Not fashion shoots!! As to the Cowgirls, I work in the Dallas/Fort Worth area 2-3 times per week, and I can't find a piece of material on the Texans, in the Dallas paper or on the radio. There is no repsect for the Team down the 45, and I think we should do the same. I had to buy a few magazines with Carr on the cover, jut to make me feel more at home!....I ALREADY HAVE THEM AT HOME!!!!! Houston's team is the Texans, Let's keep it that way.....ALL THE WAY! :soapbox: :headbang:
When the Texans are in the play offs this year, McClain and the Chronicle will be lamenting on what went wrong in Dallas. I think this year is going to be the year of the Texans. We will be the new kids on the block. Strangely, I still think the question marks are defense and the health of the key defensive players. Stay tunned for an impressive season.
A number of days back I posted a line asking if DD was our ES. I was chastized by a number of people. Is he? I think the jury is still out, but it certainly seems like he has a lot of ES's qualities. I hope DD proves to be what I think he is. Certainly what the Texans, the owner and others are saying seems to imply they have an awful lot of confidence in this young man. I hope he leads us to the play offs and lord only knows where else.
Ibar, when people debate your point(s) it isn't a chastizing. People will have different points of view and they will be expressed. Especially when people feel strongly about something. is basically a rumor mill, with things 25% right most of the time, but came across an interesting article reguarding the Ricky Williams situation:

The real question is whether Miami's sudden need for a running back would make the Colts willing to let James go now for value, in lieu of keeping him for one more season while his eyes are fixed on the possibility of going home.

Cole also identifies various backs whom the Dolphins might acquire via a trade, including Tony Hollings of the Texans, Najeh "Dookie" Davenport of the Packers, and Lamar Gordon of the Rams. Hollings is the most enticing of this trio; he was the Texans' second-round pick in last year's supplemental draft, and league sources have in the past verified that his ability justifies the lofty draft status. Still, his future in Houston has been clouded by the unlikely emergence of fellow 2003 rookie Domanick Davis.
no way we trade hollings without getting a first rounder in return...thats just good economics.

i dont see it, no way, no how.
TEXAN84 said:
Hollings is the most enticing of this trio; he was the Texans' second-round pick in last year's supplemental draft, and league sources have in the past verified that his ability justifies the lofty draft status.
And that why he isnt going anywhere....
"I can't find a piece of material on the Texans, in the Dallas paper or on the radio. There is no repsect for the Team down the 45"
Oh I have a hunch that there is quite a bit of respect for the Texans in North
Texas Pittbull. That's exactly why you're seeing and hearing so little coverage in the local N.Texas media. There's respect, and probably fear to. The last thing
they want up there is any coverage in the media for another NFL team in Texas.
You have to understand that that star on the side of the Cowboys helmet is "the" cultural icon of N.Texas. Those people must have been mortifyed when the
Texans beat the Cowboys by 9 points (and going away), couple years ago in their regular season debut in the NFL. They are really gonna be layin for us when we go up there for the regular season rematch.