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DD and a foot in my mouth


100% Texan
As far as stats go, I stand corrected about DD. I have been an Eddie George fan since he came into the league and was curious on how his career starting out compared to DD's. I admit I have been a little harsh, they are fairly even so my foot is in my mouth.. (and I am not saying DD is the next Eddie George, just that DD will be DD and I am just going by stats).
DD's stats
Eddies stats

now I don't know what the speed of these guys are compared to each other. AS far as the LONG RUNS. Now was Eddie just faster? or able to read the blocks better to get into the open field? WR's had better blocking DOWNFIELD?

btw I haven't forgotten that Eddie had Bruce Mathews and company in front of him and our guys aren't even close to that line .
Wolf said:
btw I haven't forgotten that Eddie had Bruce Mathews and company in front of him and our guys aren't even close to that line .

Yeah B. Matthews along with Big John Runyan and Brad Hopkins. Also, I think you have to account for Steve McNair possibly having a defender designated on him, keeping the defender off Eddie.
Domanick Davis isn't even half as good as Eddie George was when he had to carry the team on his shoulders. Eddie George was a workhorse. DD wouldn't last 8 games taking the amount of punishment Eddie George did.
oh I agree with that.. I was just suprised at the yards per carry and yards per reception between the 2 were so close. I didn't get to see much of Eddie on TV and my initial thoughts was that he averaged 4 -4.5 yards a carry early in his carrier because everyone was saying how he is washed up (media) with his 3.3 yards a carry etc etc on the last couple of years (OK after the Ray Lewis hit on him). and heck I was suprised how close the YPC and YPR are.

But yes.. DD couldn't handle what EG went through.