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All Access Random Thoughts


Obnoxious Musician
WOW! That was a cool event! I wish we had stuff like this about once a month through the long dry spell that's now upon us. Maybe we should start a thread for that or something.

A few things that stuck out to me today, and I'm sure many others here will be able to add in whatever I miss.

It seemed that the autograph signings were a bit better organized than last year. Even though I don't do that thing, it seemed like the people that were into it were able to get to the players a little easier down on the floor.

The meat contest was pretty weak. Was it me, or did all 3 samples taste HORRIBLE?! #1 had no flavor at all, #2 tasted like ketchup, and #3 had curry in it. Curry in BBQ??? YUCK! Save the curry for the Szechuan food!

Rick Smith was great! All of the players were pretty cool all around. At one point in Mr. Smith's speech, I hollered something about being tired of losing and how we were ready to win...I don't know what I said - I was getting into it. From my spot, I was right near Chester Pitts and Dunte, and Pitts looked over at me and smiled and nodded in agreement, and Dunte looked at me with a fierce, serious look on his face as if to say "Exactly!".

I think Okoye's gonna get it from the other players in the weight room about spending time on the stairclimber.

Any idea what the attendance was? I'd guesstimate 2-3K during the Pep Rally. And GEEZ was it LOUD! YES!

It was obvious when Okoye got up on stage that he and Mario are already pretty good friends.

Schaub is not quite the pretty-boy like HWMNBN was...for some reason I like that fact!

DeMeco seemed pretty comfortable talking, and did a great job getting that big yell out of all of us.

I am SOOOOO ready for this to get going. There's a feeling in the air that we've got something VERY special brewing here. Totally different than the last 5 years. Do you feel it too, or am I drunk on today's Battle Red Kool-Aid?
Schaub is not quite the pretty-boy like HWMNBN was...for some reason I like that fact!

Do you feel it too, or am I drunk on today's Battle Red Kool-Aid?

I like the way Schaub was just at a regular table signing autograghs. He was with his team and not seperated like he was special. Heck he was at a table with an UDFA and an O-linman. You don't get any more regular than that. To me that gives him a more of a team player feel, but like you said, that could just be the Kool-Aid talking.
I like the way Schaub was just at a regular table signing autograghs. He was with his team and not seperated like he was special. Heck he was at a table with an UDFA and an O-linman. You don't get any more regular than that. To me that gives him a more of a team player feel, but like you said, that could just be the Kool-Aid talking.

I was taking shots of Kool-Aid today and meeting you and Preston fueled the fire as well. I need to up my outfit a little bit. I felt under dressed in Texans gear....ha ha.

Good meeting you guys. Nice to put a face with the screen names.
I had a great time.

I have to disagree with you, General. I thought the meat thing was great. The Texans heard from the fans and reacted. Texans Chick posted on the message board and on her blog about how terrible the barbeque was last year. Many other people e-mailed the Texans about the aweful barbeque. Apparently, not even the Texans knew what kind of meat it was.

I never eat inside the stadium (I have some friends that have this great secret tailgate). I thought the Texans asking the fans to vote was brilliant. I didn't like the White, I liked the Red but I voted for the blue because of the chipotle (who would put curry in chili?). Not everyone has the same taste and apparently you didn't like any of them but I talked with many people who liked at least one of the samples.

Like it or not, you have to give props to the Texans management for letting the fans vote for what they want. Class move........again.:texflag:
I had a great time.

I have to disagree with you, General. I thought the meat thing was great. The Texans heard from the fans and reacted. Texans Chick posted on the message board and on her blog about how terrible the barbeque was last year. Many other people e-mailed the Texans about the aweful barbeque. Apparently, not even the Texans knew what kind of meat it was.

Yeah, after the BBQ blog post, I spoke with someone from the Texans and they said that they were trying to improve the quality of the BBQ--that they were going to be using, IIRC, Earl Campbell's brand of BBQ meat.

I never saw the meat contest.

Other thoughts:

Matt Schaub had a skateboard in front of his locker. I would have preferred to see rolls of bubblewrap. You know, to protect him. I don't want to ever read that our starting QB is out for the season because of a....skateboard accident??????

From the weight room tour....there is a new board on one end of the locker room that has the player's names on it. They used to have a small sheet that said the same stuff, but they decided to make it a board. In the 14 weeks of the offseason, the players have weight room goals. If they do all the things they are supposed to do with their goals, they get a sticker for that week.

I forgot to look if Travis Johnson met all his goals (I took a picture of this so maybe I can look at that), but Jerome Mathis had stickers all the way across.
I had a ball. This was my first year in attendance because last year, I had a bad car accident around the same time and was on bed rest. So I was extra hype to attend this one. I loved seeing the players in a "football" related situation..I HATE seeing them at the clubs and bars...that is not where I wish to see my investment..:cool:

Anyhow..I felt that the lines moved pretty quickly and the players were very respectful to the fans that were waiting long times to get autographs...even when the workers told the players to not take pictures with the fans..the players did it anyways...

The bands were hot..but I couldn't tell the difference between any of them since I wasn't down there watching them.

As I said over at the other board...I was sooo excited and emotional during Rick Smith's speech..It had to be the kool-aid because I was tearing up. I really felt that we as a team was going to make a included. We as season ticket holders need to understand our role as well..We have to be in attendance and like Demeco said MAKE NOISE! :wild:

I can't wait til training camp. :fans:
I had a great time.

I have to disagree with you, General. I thought the meat thing was great.
Oh yeah, the IDEA was great. I just wasn't terribly impressed with any of the choices.

I never eat inside the stadium (I have some friends that have this great secret tailgate). I thought the Texans asking the fans to vote was brilliant. I didn't like the White, I liked the Red but I voted for the blue because of the chipotle (who would put curry in chili?). Not everyone has the same taste and apparently you didn't like any of them but I talked with many people who liked at least one of the samples.
I've never been one to go with the majority.
I really don't think that was chipotle, though. And I'm SURE it wasn't CHILI.

Like it or not, you have to give props to the Texans management for letting the fans vote for what they want. Class move........again.:texflag:

Very classy.
I'm not much of an autograph hound, I refuse to stand in line for an hour for anyone's signature, esp when they might be here today and gone tomorrow. BUT, that's just me. But, I do like standing around and observing the players. I was esp pleased with the way Matt Schaub interacted with the fans. Never stopped smiling, appeared to be happy to be there, and just seemed genuine. As for the "pretty boy" looks!! I think he is absolutely adorable!! Maybe that's just the female in me talking!!:) Aside from the appearance thing, I just got an overall GOOD feeling about Matt. I think he has found his home will be in Houston for a very long time. I hope so anyway, I don't like QB swaps.

I missed the BBQ thing, just wish they would bring back Luthers and no one would have to worry about the taste. BUT, I don't think Luthers exists anymore anyway. I rarely buy food inside the stadium. To pricey, poor quality, and is usually cold by the time you get back to your seat. I just do my THANG at the tailgate and spend my time inside the stadium rooting for my team, not sitting on my butt balancing a cardboard carrier with a baked potato on it.

The BEST part of the day was seeing all my Texan friends!! It was truly a thrill walking down to the bottom level and seeing all my "grandkids" hanging out together. I LOVE you guy's/gal's!!

Demeco Ryans is one of the most articulate players I have ever heard speak. He is just frankly AWESOME!! A born leader, in action and words. I will say a few extra THANK YOU prayers just for the fact that he is OUR'S, and not some other teams!! I would adopt that kid in a heartbeat!!!

Just so I can stir the pot a little, and throw in a little contraversy, I was not that impressed with Rick Smith. JMO only, I think he is a snake!! BUT, if that is what it takes to put a winning football team on the field, I will just deal with my negative feelings about the guy. I have my reason's, don't ask. He's a CORPORATE minded guy, and that say's a lot. If he helps send the Texan's to the SB I will send the guy an apology for thinking he is an *********!!!:rant:

All Access just gets my blood pumped up for more football!! It's a teaser, but I love it!! I walked out of that stadium thinking, CR*P, we still have three months before the REAL season starts!! As much as I hate the heat, I am SOOOOOO ready to see our guys out on that field!! Aug/Sept can't get here soon enough. :fans:
That event couldn't have been run any smoother. Major props to the Texans. Had a great time, better than last year and last year was pretty cool too. Ran into some yellow lot neighbors, Yellow Lot in the Pot, I was getting pumped up for some football. Only 2 months, 22 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes 'til kickoff baby!!!!

Yeah, the BBQ was pretty bad. Uh, hello, this is Texas!! We can do BBQ better than that. #2 wins by default.

In the battle of the bands contest, I'd have to say the 3rd band was the best. I think they won last year as well. That 2nd band just put me to sleep.

Ran into Van Pelt in the locker room. He took time to chat with the folks there for a good 8-10 minutes or so.

The event was better than last year, IMO. The fact that they moved more stuff down to the floor was a good thing.

Just a very well put together event and this season ticket holder appreciates it very much and is looking forward to this being a lasting Texans tradition.
Sorry I missed Yank's birthday and of course everyone at All Access Saturday.... The problem was, that I think I celebrated for you a little too much Friday night...
I had a good time, and it seems like it was better prepared this time around than the first one (to be expected). Although I was surprised that there was nothing in the Bud Plaza.

I didn't try any of the meat-like product, but I never take chances with my less-than-stable digestive system. It's not worth the [potential] pain to eat whatever they were serving.

I didn't stand in any lines except for Mario Williams. It was cool to meet him and get a sig on a new hardhat (which I'll bring next year for another big name autograph).

But major props to the Texans for putting this together, because it is always fun and cool to check out the different parts of the stadium that we normally don't get to see.
Was this automatically sent to all season ticket holders? I asked my wife (my mail screener) and she said she never saw anything.
They sent us an e-mail, and you had to request the All Access pass via your online account or by phone.
Other thoughts:

Matt Schaub had a skateboard in front of his locker. I would have preferred to see rolls of bubblewrap. You know, to protect him. I don't want to ever read that our starting QB is out for the season because of a....skateboard accident??????


It was the first thing that caught my eye as well.

Hopefully, it was there only as a joke.