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Admit it: You care more about being entertained than winning


Windmill cancer survivor
Contributor's Club
I'm serious. From the posts I read about about angry you are about this pick, you're whining about no buzz, no excitement, no jerseys you can buy.

Me thinks some of you are fans of this team for all the wrong reasons.:(
I mean yes I am somewhat dissapointed because I was looking forward to having Bush on our team, but we can't judge anything yet. If Bush turns out to be a dud in the NFL we will look great. And the same goes to Mario Williams, if he is a dud and Bush is amazing then it was a bad pick.


At this point NONE of these guys have ever played football at this level against bigger, stronger, and faster players of the NFL so we can't judge a thing.
Get off it man, Williams doesn't guarantee wins. The Texans weren't in line to be a contender next yr. You know this is true, so why not be entertained while we're at the game? What is wrong with seeing a touchdown run being scored with style in a loss. We are far far from having a perfect season so the entertainment value lessens the impact of a loss. It's worse when you see two teams grind it out and no entertainment to speak of and you still loose.
Eveyone seems to agree that one player can't change the team (ex. from 2 to 10 wins) but with Bush and even Young for that matter(I didn't want him) there was the thought that the player we got with the first pick could make that change and on any given play we could score.

Williams offers nothing here. I don't care how good he can or will be, he won't produce anything like what Bush would have.

This pick is bad on so many levels... I was even excited about much fun it would be to play as the Texans on Madden.
dat_boy_yec said:
Get off it man, Williams doesn't guarantee wins. The Texans weren't in line to be a contender next yr. You know this is true, so why not be entertained while we're at the game? What is wrong with seeing a touchdown run being scored with style in a loss. We are far far from having a perfect season so the entertainment value lessens the impact of a loss. It's worse when you see two teams grind it out and no entertainment to speak of and you still loose.

No, "entertainment" or "what the fans want" should never be a factor in a team's decision who to take or sign. You make the decision based strictly on what is the best and quickest way to put a winner on the field.

I can't believe something as basic as that has to actually be spelled out.
Marcus said:
No, "entertainment" or "what the fans want" should never be a factor in a team's decision who to take or sign. You make the decision based strictly on what is the best and quickest way to put a winner on the field.

I can't believe something as basic as that has to actually be spelled out.

Putting up points is what winning is about. True defense helps, but Williams does not mean more wins than Bush. I can accept this decision with time, but no way can you expect me to believe that putting 54 and 24 million on the Defensive line in addition to TJ was the best move available.
Everyone wants Mario to live up to his potential and be one of the best DE of all time, but even if he does make it to that level he won't help this team as much as Bush would should he live up to his potential. The only thing that makes this a good choice is if Bush is a complete bust and Mario excels.
Marcus said:
No, "entertainment" or "what the fans want" should never be a factor in a team's decision who to take or sign. You make the decision based strictly on what is the best and quickest way to put a winner on the field.

I can't believe something as basic as that has to actually be spelled out.

of coure WHITE and YOUNG would not put a " winner on the field".:ok:

I love all these GREAT football minds around here. Spell it out to me when the TITANS play houston.
The funny thing is, I am being entertained. Between the overreaction of the media and the overreaction of the fans, it's Popcorn City.
This franchise is so far away from competing for a championship that I don't think it should be hard to understand that if we are paying a cr.p load of dollars to watch this team that we do so watching some players we would enjoy seeing in action. I have Rockets tickets as well and even when they were losing I at least enjoyed watching McGrady and/or Yao.
What another great pick by Casserly..this tops wasting first round picks on the 'superstars' that are Jason Babin and Travis Johnson! Yea, go Texans!
First off I care much more about winning.

Second I really belive with VY we would of not only won but won big but I was cool passing on him for Reggie if coach GK belives in Carr.

But now passing on Reggie? You guys act like we suddenly don't need another playmaker on offense, come on we are still a few impact players away on both sides of the ball from being a serious contender and after a 2-14 season we deserve Reggie not a DE that had 6 good games!
texanskan said:
First off I care much more about winning.

Second I really belive with VY we would of not only won but won big but I was cool passing on him for Reggie if coach GK belives in Carr.

But now passing on Reggie? You guys act like we suddenly don't need another playmaker on offense, come on we are still a few impact players away on both sides of the ball from being a serious contender and after a 2-14 season we deserve Reggie not a DE that had 6 good games!

I can see that. However, the defensive side of the ball is lacking playmakers in a much, MUCH worse way.
Zscott34 said:
What another great pick by Casserly..this tops wasting first round picks on the 'superstars' that are Jason Babin and Travis Johnson! Yea, go Texans!


"fans" (i use that term lightly) here are saying that we are now the worst team in football and will never amount to anything..why? because the players they wanted went somewhere else.

It happens every offseason. Bottom line..people are more interested in getting high profile players than getting good players.

Vince Young and Lendale White are both VERY RISKY picks. Tennessee in a few years is either gonna be back in contention.. or still scraping the bottom of the barrel. They are taking a huge risk.
Kubiak all by himself probably has gained our team a few more wins per season.

Look at the free agency moves. Almost perfect considering Capers' dunderhead moves for four years.

Look at his background. He simply improves any QB that comes his way.

We are bad on so many levels....there's not enough draft picks this year to help us get to an AFC championship game.

We deserve 8-8 this year, and we should be grateful for it because of the ineptitude of our coaching staff from year one to year four.

Bush meant a weak defensive line without a big guy like Mario. Mario means no dynamic scoring threat because we passed on Bush. If we have spent our top picks in the past TWO drafts, if not the past three drafts, on defense...what does that tell you about the quality of our defense that Capers was supposed to be so goooooooood at building?

Danged if you do, danged if you don't. I wanted Bush...but Mario and Ryans means Kubiak thinks the offense is set and he's trying ot build a Seattle-type defense or a Pittsburgh-type defense, or a Patriots-type defense.

I'm not "thrilled," but I can understand what the motivation has been with our first few picks. I'm a big enough Texans fan to eat some crow on Bush and lay down the pride issue if it means that Kubiak is allowed to get the guys he wants. Seems to be making high percentage moves thus far, and I'll trust him in this draft too.

Go Texans!
My problem with this draft is not with the first pick, but the second one. I'm a firm believer that games are won up front, and Mario fills that need on defense. Unfortunately, we also have 2-3 GAPING holes on the o-line, and the Texans ONCE AGAIN have shown that filling this need is not a priority. Will they EVER learn? Does David Carr need to be killed before they wake up?
Football is entertainment. It's a distraction. All sports is. You should enjoy sports not cringe and suffer for it. And the reason for all this anger is because most of us want to see our team win and win big. Obviously, we have different ways of going about it and that's where the disagreement comes in. Good football is winning football and winning football is very good form of entertainment.
Caesar said:
My problem with this draft is not with the first pick, but the second one. I'm a firm believer that games are won up front, and Mario fills that need on defense. Unfortunately, we also have 2-3 GAPING holes on the o-line, and the Texans ONCE AGAIN have shown that filling this need is not a priority. Will they EVER learn? Does David Carr need to be killed before they wake up?

Which positions constitute those 2-3 GAPING holes?
Which positions constitute those 2-3 GAPING holes?

Hmm... Let's see. Off the top of my head...

LT - Wand or whoever starts here - HUGE HOLE
C - Flanigan or whoever starts here - Not as big of a hole
RG - Steve McKinney, IMO, is one of the worst starting lineman in the NFL.

Pitts and Wade (If he can stay healthy) are both solid and capable starters.
[[Gary Kubiak]] said:
Like I said, we passed on the best offensive weapon and draft the best defensive weapon and people are having such a TOUGH time with it.
WE NEEDED DEFENSE we were horrible in defense remmbr last year like in the last six games all the teams made a COMEBACK when we were up by like wut 10+ points cuz our defense broke down i think Mario wuz a good first pick and hopefully he will help us out on D
el toro said:
Problem is, RB's impact will be greater than Williams'.

No it won't. Davis was a known commodity and did very well for being on a 2-14 team. Williams will improve this team a lot more than Bush would have. Besides, a defensive end who can rush the passer will have a greater impact than any RB because not only will he help to keep the other team from scoring but will help to create turnovers that will give your team better field position and help them score.
Bobo said:
No it won't. Davis was a known commodity and did very well for being on a 2-14 team. Williams will improve this team a lot more than Bush would have. Besides, a defensive end who can rush the passer will have a greater impact than any RB because not only will he help to keep the other team from scoring but will help to create turnovers that will give your team better field position and help them score.

That's not right. Yes, he can rush/sack the QB and cause turnovers, that does help. But, to have an outstanding playmaker on offense would be so much more effective. Bush could touch the ball on so many plays and in different ways. When he gets the ball he would be dangerous. Even if he did not get the ball, defenses would always have to worry about him and where he is on the field. I'd take a playmaker on offense over a defensive playmaker anyday.
Oilers/Texans said:
That's not right. Yes, he can rush/sack the QB and cause turnovers, that does help. But, to have an outstanding playmaker on offense would be so much more effective. Bush could touch the ball on so many plays and in different ways. When he gets the ball he would be dangerous. Even if he did not get the ball, defenses would always have to worry about him and where he is on the field. I'd take a playmaker on offense over a defensive playmaker anyday.

If you get the ball at the opponent's 30 yard line instead of your own 30 due to turnovers, it's much easier to score. To assume that defenses would "always have to worry about Bush" is highly speculative since he has to prove himself before he earns that kind of respect. Remember, Lawrence Phillips was seen as the next big thing and he didn't exactly pan out and cause defenses to worry about him. And besides, the Texans already have two people who have earned that respect. Davis and AJ. To add another RB to that mix would be stupid when the Texans don't have a pass rush. Look at last season. Remember how the Texans started out the season with no victories? Remember what else they didn't have any of for awile? That's right -- turnovers. Turnovers lead to victories. The Texans certainly did NOT need another RB when they already have a very good one who could be great -- especially when they have so many other needs. Like I said, drafting Bush would have been like getting another good weedwhacker when you already had one -- while your lawnmower sat in the garage in disrepair and unusable.
Bobo said:
If you get the ball at the opponent's 30 yard line instead of your own 30 due to turnovers, it's much easier to score. To assume that defenses would "always have to worry about Bush" is highly speculative since he has to prove himself before he earns that kind of respect. Remember, Lawrence Phillips was seen as the next big thing and he didn't exactly pan out and cause defenses to worry about him. And besides, the Texans already have two people who have earned that respect. Davis and AJ. To add another RB to that mix would be stupid when the Texans don't have a pass rush. Look at last season. Remember how the Texans started out the season with no victories? Remember what else they didn't have any of for awile? That's right -- turnovers. Turnovers lead to victories. The Texans certainly did NOT need another RB when they already have a very good one who could be great -- especially when they have so many other needs. Like I said, drafting Bush would have been like getting another good weedwhacker when you already had one -- while your lawnmower sat in the garage in disrepair and unusable.

Yes, Bush has yet to prove anything. But Mario Williams has yet to prove anything either in this league. The draft is all about talent and potential. My whole arguement is based on both of them living up to their talented potential.

Getting turnovers and a short field to work with is very much a plus, but you can't depend on that for multiple possessions every single game. You have to have an offense with as many playmakers as you can find who can score from anywhere on any play. You think finding two is enough and you can quit getting anymore?? No, you get as many as you can whenever you can. Bush with Davis, AJ, and Moulds would be awsome. And remember, you don't draft Bush as a typical RB because he is much more than that.
non natural texan said:
This pick is bad on so many levels... I was even excited about much fun it would be to play as the Texans on Madden.

I just don't see an NFL front office considering the video game players when they make their decisions. Just thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone wants to run with it.