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Aaron Glenn

i kind of think glenn has lost a step. With the exception of that great play in kc when he saved that td in the endzone, glenn hasnt looked very good this season. He was getting burned by smith last week. Hes getting called on a lot of penalties. Hes not playing horribly, but he doesnt seem like the same guy. Just wanna see what you guys think.
actually i felt the same way, glenn is not looking to good this year, maybe it's cuz of that injury
he hasnt looked like himself. I dunno.. maybe its the reinforcement of the 5 yard contact rule.. maybe since he cant be as physical.. he is having trouble keeping up with the younger WRs? I dunno.. maybe he is just in a slump :).. hes still a great CB though.
I wish they'd just let the DBs and receivers play. Anything short of tackling
each other and throwing punches - let 'em do it. They're supposed to hit, have contact - it's football, not basketball. Keep the officials out of it and
let 'em play.
kind of like that "roughing the passer" call on Deloach,,,that was such bull ,,,hmmm wonder why Carr didnt get a call last week and he was actually hit !! They are making the game to where it will be flag football in a few years !
only for QBs :)

I completely understand the rules regarding QBs. but ya know.. they really need to rework them a bit. make them more specific.. try to limit the bull**** calls.

For example.. the little push that Plummer was given running out of bounds.. he still had a foot in bounds.. and if he had been a RB instead of a QB.. it is possible that he could have cut back and gained a few more yards along the sideline. He wasnt pushed hard.. he didnt even fall down or run more than a few steps. There was NO RISK put on the QB.. therefore it should not be roughing the passer.. he wasnt roughed :P ... and despite all that.. it should have been called anyway BECAUSE HE WAS IN BOUNDS.

If nothing else maybe they need to change it to Roughing the Passer, and blatant roughing of the passer. One is a minor penalty with a minor punishment.. .. the blatant one is for obvious attempts to hurt the QB and can have a severe punishment. if nothing else.. that would keep "questionable" calls from effecting the game too badly.
yeah its not like he hit the QB unlike when Carr was hit last week !! Some of their calls are BS and i'm really starting not to like all the new new pass interference rules,,,,Glenn didnt hold him or even re direct his path the back of his hand touched him thats all !!! Some really ticky tack calls that cost us if ya ask me !
This is the kinda talk I would expect out of fans on this board. I swear, even if we had Champ Bailey, when he got burned a few times by Chad Johnson, yall would be on this board saying hes "lost a step." It never fails. Glenn is a fine smart corner, who struggled today with the entire secondary.
DC_ROCK said:
This is the kinda talk I would expect out of fans on this board. I swear, even if we had Champ Bailey, when he got burned a few times by Chad Johnson, yall would be on this board saying hes "lost a step." It never fails. Glenn is a fine smart corner, who struggled today with the entire secondary.

I think last weeks injury had an affect on him still,,,something was slowing him down and it wasnt his age !!!
DC_ROCK said:
This is the kinda talk I would expect out of fans on this board. I swear, even if we had Champ Bailey, when he got burned a few times by Chad Johnson, yall would be on this board saying hes "lost a step." It never fails. Glenn is a fine smart corner, who struggled today with the entire secondary.

I'd have to agree, this was a well coached, game plan against the Texans who looked completely confused from that pushed field goal. Everytime we thought pass they ran, when we played the run Plummer threw play action to the TE or FB. Actually on the play where Glenn was flagged he had inside position & is supposed to have equal rights to play the ball, that play set the tone for major penalties throughout the entire game. No turnovers either side which to me seems like a first. Dunta seemed to be OK after his big hit. Todd Wade is having major ankle issues which led to increased breakdowns in pocket protection for Carr.

But to answear the original intent of this post I disagree that Glenn has lost a step, the defensive game planning was full of holes the entire defensive unit with the exception of Seth Payne had subpar performances based upon coaching prepration.

(speaking of which why did Capers challenge the 4th & 1 when there could not be conclusive evidence as oppossed to the 3rd down play when Carr extended the ball past the 1st down marker [clear on replay he had the 1st down]?)
no he didnt challenge it i mean did he give up as well ??? I was digusted with the whole day and will have this bad feeling until i see how we perform next sunday ! better be better than today or it will be a long season !
IMO Glenn probably has lost a step. It's just a function of time. Doesn't mean he is a bad CB, just not the great one he once was. Has anyone else noticed that teams are no longer challenging DRob, but are instead throwing towards Arron. There is a reason for that. DRob is pretty darn good and Arron isn't as good as he once was.
ok only real time i saw aaron get beat was when E.Brown was assisting and Glenn went up incase Plummer ran,,,and that was a terrible pass interference call Glenn had the inside didnt force him out of bounds and the reciver got his feet tangled up and the back of glenns hand touched his soulder pads once !!! It was a blown call he was with him step for step !
TexansTrueFan said:
ok only real time i saw aaron get beat was when E.Brown was assisting and Glenn went up incase Plummer ran,,,and that was a terrible pass interference call Glenn had the inside didnt force him out of bounds and the reciver got his feet tangled up and the back of glenns hand touched his soulder pads once !!! It was a blown call he was with him step for step !

There was another play where Glenn fell down twice covering a little hook route. Glenn also said that the Broncos ran every play they expected and practiced against, so maybe this one is on the players rather than the gameplan.
yeah so i wouldnt say gleen is losing a step,,,i mean i dont think he aged that much in just one game,,,why wasnt he losing a step last week or the week before ??? People are just looking for excuses he is still one of the best CB in the league along with our rising star D-Rob
i kind of think glenn has lost a step. With the exception of that great play in kc when he saved that td in the endzone, glenn hasnt looked very good this season. He was getting burned by smith last week. Hes getting called on a lot of penalties. Hes not playing horribly, but he doesnt seem like the same guy. Just wanna see what you guys think.

He saved a TD in the Jags game also. Also do not forget with Robinson on the other corner and Coleman at safety now, other QB's have not been throwing in Glenn's direction all that often with a rookie CB on the other side of the field. IMO when he makes a mistake it's magnifyed because the ball is not thrown in his direction all that often.
I think Keith at had his finger on this situation well before most of us did. Glenn is still a solid cornerback but he is no longer an elite pro-bowl player and his age will lend to injury more often than it did in the past. Just remember we are still building our roster folks. We can't just plug in fantastic players at every position in any one year. It takes several years to get a talent base then you must cycle it because careers are short. I see Glenn on the corner here for a couple of more years. He isn't going anywhere any time soon. He can still do the job.

It’s just that I get the feeling that Robinson wasn’t drafted to be Glenn’s new partner at cornerback, but instead to be his replacement.

General manager Charley Casserly was part of a Redskins front office that selected Darrell Green in 1983, and there may be a little of Green’s longevity in Glenn. That notion though came into question last fall though when Glenn was sidelined with a groin injury that kept him out of five games and parts of several others. Contract-wise, Glenn is locked up in Houston for the remainder of his career, but no one, not even Glenn, really knows how much longer that will be.

While the Texans could very well go to a defensive back yet again in next year’s draft...
The guy that I thought had a disappointing game in the secondary was Faggins. Not saying I don't want this guy on the team but he has been pretty solid up to this point. However, I did know how much more dangerous Denver's WR corp was.
It was just an all around poor effort by everyone. I saw sharper lolly-gaggin' on a few plays, D-Rob missing a couple tackles, receivers dropping passes, etc. Things like that take game planning and play calling out of the equation. I was always told playing football in high school that if I'm going to screw up, at least do it at 100%. I hope we don't come out flat against Indy, or it's going to be a long day.
I'd be surprised to see us spend a 1st round pick on a CB two years in a row.

We need to invest more picks on the front seven on defense. We have Babin and Peek developing but we need to start developing more prospects there. The run defense is not good and the speed and the athleticism of the front seven has to come into question.

The running game has all but disappeared this season. If Carr had not taken that next step, this would be a horrible season for us. I think we need to take a look at this area of our game. I would not be surprised if we took a center (round 2-3) and/or running back early next season. Caper's entire philosophy hinges on a solid rushing attack. Wade and Wiegert were brought in for that reason. These are run first and pass second type of blockers.

I'm assuming that Bradford is not coming back. If that is the case then we need to determine if Gaffney or Armstrong are worthy of being our #2 receiver. If not we will need to address that position in the offseason too.
Aaron Glen is by far the most over-rated player on this team. If he was so great why was he left unprotected? You dont leave a shut-down corner unprotected, I guess the Jets knew what they were doing afterall. He is an above average corner but has never been a shut-down corner.
Glenn isn't overrated. He just went to the Pro Bowl; my we have short memories. Perhaps you weren't here when we put this team together but the Jets were dumping salaries and we made a package deal with them to take Coleman and Glenn so they could get cap relief and we could start a franchise with veteran CB's.
TexansTrueFan said:
no he didnt challenge it i mean did he give up as well ??? I was digusted with the whole day and will have this bad feeling until i see how we perform next sunday ! better be better than today or it will be a long season !

I am not trying to be mean, but penalties are not reviewable. I believe that they should allow them to be reviewed when a bad call like that Glenn PI call happens.