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Are we in trouble?


I don't follow other teams to know who will be available and who won't be by the time Kubiak comes on board. But from what I'm reading and's getting to be slim pickin's for the new head coach's staff. Correct me if I'm wrong...but if Denver goes to the super bowl, that means we will have to wait another 2 1/2 to 3 weeks before we can "legally" hire a coach and then the time it takes for him to round up the personnel he wants to come on board. This seems to put us in quite a pickle in regards to the coaching talent that will be available for him to sift through at that time. Do you all believe that there is "behind the scenes" deals going on with Kubiak to get his coaches now or are we literally playing the waiting game. Just curious....any info will be appreciated.....thanks in advance.
no, kubiak knows he will be the man here and is already underway lining up his staff. i am sure he already has 90% of the positions 'unofficially' filled. no worries.
I agree, I'm sure Kubiak has spent some time thinking about it and putting together at least a list of his candidates for coaching positions, I don't know how much he's actually done with contacting those people and picking his guys yet, he can't officially do that anyways. There are a couple guys whose names have been tossed around as potential coordinators and such from other teams that I would have thought would generate more noise in the head coaching search by other teams but have been remarkably quiet (Jerry Gray among others), so maybe something has been decided between Kubiak and one or more of them and they're waiting it out to come here, but who knows at this point. I also heard that Shanahan is letting some of Denver's position coaches go with Kubiak (I remember the OL coach and I think the WR and RB coaches), so he'll have some for sure, but finding adequate position coaches isn't the biggest deal, if nothing else you can go bring back some retired players to help coach the position they played. I for one would think it would be awesome if we could bring in a squad like this: John Elway/Joe Montana at QB coach (rumor has it Elway might come in as a consultant/QB coach on a non-fulltime basis, but again that's just a rumor), Emmitt Smith at RB coach, Jerry Rice at WR coach, Bruce Smith as DL coach, Lawrence Taylor as LB coach, and Ronnie Lott or Darrell Green as DB coach. Obviouisly those won't all happen, but it would be cool if we could put together a group like that, I'd be willing to pay some extra $$ to get some of them to come in and be coaches.
Insert usual disclaimer when dealing with

When the Broncos' season ends, offensive coordinator Gary Kubiak will become the new head coach of the Houston Texans. It's pretty much an accepted fact in league circles -- and for good reason.

We continue to hear that Texans officials privately are indicating the Kubiak will get the job, and that Texans officials are getting increasingly bold and blatant in their statements, given that everyone pretty much knows what's going on.

Of course, this means that the Texans have told Kubiak that they want him, and that Kubiak has said he's interested. Indeed, we've heard that Kubiak already has lined up much if not all of his staff.
Technically, it's a violation of tampering rules for the Texans to do anything more than interview Kubiak. But the Broncos aren't likely to reward Kubiak for more than a decade of loyal service by throwing a wrench into his well-deserved move to the next level.

From what I've heard (which are the same sources that everyone here gets), Kubiak is the man and he's got tentative deals with several coaches to fill out his staff. The only problem is if these coaches get offered better jobs (like HC) somewhere else.
SBTexans08 said:
They just mentioned on 790 that the Bills are considering Dumb Capers for the HC job.....LOL.

It's not HC he's being considered for, it's DC, a job he has some success at. Buffalo fans generally seem to support the move, but some sources seem to think he may go to Miami where he has friends.
he sure didnt help out our D when he was here. except in 02 we had a pretty decent Defense, how else would we of won 4 games :redtowel:
I think Dom Capers is a class act and in the right place, will make a great coach. Dom did a good job for us 3 out of 4 years, but lost the confidence of the players last year and had to go. Wish you well, Dom.
MorKnolle said:
I for one would think it would be awesome if we could bring in a squad like this: John Elway/Joe Montana at QB coach (rumor has it Elway might come in as a consultant/QB coach on a non-fulltime basis, but again that's just a rumor), Emmitt Smith at RB coach, Jerry Rice at WR coach, Bruce Smith as DL coach, Lawrence Taylor as LB coach, and Ronnie Lott or Darrell Green as DB coach. Obviouisly those won't all happen, but it would be cool if we could put together a group like that, I'd be willing to pay some extra $$ to get some of them to come in and be coaches.
It would be a real life NFL Network commercial.
SBTexans08 said:
They just mentioned on 790 that the Bills are considering Dumb Capers for the HC job.....LOL.

"Dumb" Capers? Come on man is it really necessary to insult the man in such a childish manner now? What does it accomplish. He dealt with his critics in a much more dignified manner than you deal with him.
Hervoyel said:
"Dumb" Capers? Come on man is it really necessary to insult the man in such a childish manner now? What does it accomplish. He dealt with his critics in a much more dignified manner than you deal with him.

Ditto--completely unnecessary insult.
infantrycak said:
Ditto--completely unnecessary insult.

I third the motion. As much as I fault Capers for a lot of what went wrong here, you cannot deny the class with which the man carried himself.

And I have heard speculation that John Elway might be brought in as quarterbacks coach, if only in a part-time role, as he likes living where he is at now and has business to run out there. Can you imagine Elway mentoring Carr (or really, Vince if you think we are bringing him on)?
4th'ed.....i was a pink soaper and i still dont see the need to throw personal insults. Just wish the man the best and let it go.
justtxyank said:
Where did anyone here that Elway would be brought on?

only here on a message board...I search for Texans topics daily and don't think this is credible.
justtxyank said:
Where did anyone here that Elway would be brought on?


It is just a rumor as of this moment and Elway would not be any kind of real coach, but I had heard he might come in as a QB consultant or something such as to help Kubiak develop David Carr, but he would not be a full-time coach. Anyways, that is all speculation at this point, but I and a couple other people had heard that so that is where that rumor/info is coming from.
Yeah from what I understood from what was said about Elway, he would be brought in to help Carr like Jim Mora Jr. brought in Steve Young to help Michael Vick. He wouldn't have a full time position on the team.
Wharton said:
I think Dom Capers is a class act and in the right place, will make a great coach. Dom did a good job for us 3 out of 4 years, but lost the confidence of the players last year and had to go. Wish you well, Dom.

I agree. I like Dom Capers. I think he hit a rough spot in his plan while transitioning from a team built to survive in the now to a team built to develop for the future. He is definitely a class act, and Texans fans should show him respect if we have any class of our own.