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Did anyone TG at Astroworld?

It was PACKED. I have to assume that the landowner has insurance, facilities, police, fire, etc.

Sorry to legit folks who had to move over there, but I hope the riff raff move there and stay there.
It was PACKED. I have to assume that the landowner has insurance, facilities, police, fire, etc.

Sorry to legit folks who had to move over there, but I hope the riff raff move there and stay there.

Actually there was no riff raff there, was a huge crowd, but there were enough cops, EMS/fire, and staff were it was controlled. Yes there was rowdiness but when isn't there, it just didn't get out of hand. I think Texans' officials should go take a look there because they had the crowd very controlled. It was have fun, be rowdy, but don't let it get out of hand. So for the 20.00 bucks you had the same neighborly "hey buddy what are ya'll cooking, and well here try some of this", "hey whats that drink called" ...from the distance the legit lots looked empty.....
Texans can have that same atmosphere without the riff raff by charging per person...big cash cow they're missing out on.
I like it the way it is now even better... for those outside looking in, of course you will say the lot's are missing something, and maybe it is, maybe it's the fools who made it the reason why you are where you are.. So don't hate the player, hate the game.. it is what it is.. instead of spending all the money tailgating and stuff, buy the cheap season tickets.. I'm sure a pair could be bought for less than $900 with parking as well...then ya'll can come back in to where the real party is !!

I like it the way it is now even better... for those outside looking in, of course you will say the lot's are missing something, and maybe it is, maybe it's the fools who made it the reason why you are where you are.. So don't hate the player, hate the game.. it is what it is.. instead of spending all the money tailgating and stuff, buy the cheap season tickets.. I'm sure a pair could be bought for less than $900 with parking as well...then ya'll can come back in to where the real party is !!


:goodpost: i agree !!!! 100%
I will say anyone who thinks we will lose our #1 tailgate ranking because we're trying not to become mardi gras - we'll agree to disagree. We got the ranking from all the hard working tailgating folks who bust their humps to put on a good time for friend and family.

Honestly my new Saturday hobby is preparing the food for the next day for 8 people. It's relaxing and I enjoy it. We just need to step up to more 'complex' foods :)
We still had the same crowd at The BLUE CREW so big whoopty Doo on the Texans crackdown. Lets get ready to beat the Chiefs.
I will say anyone who thinks we will lose our #1 tailgate ranking because we're trying not to become mardi gras - we'll agree to disagree. We got the ranking from all the hard working tailgating folks who bust their humps to put on a good time for friend and family.

Honestly my new Saturday hobby is preparing the food for the next day for 8 people. It's relaxing and I enjoy it. We just need to step up to more 'complex' foods :)

You might hate to admit it, but quite a few of those "hard working tailgating folks who bust their hump" do not have season tickets. I know several groups that have always promoted a family-friendly atmosphere for tailgating that just want to be a part of the Texans vibe but can't afford season tickets.

I'm not advocating anything here, but it's not like season ticket holders are the only ones that can put on great tailgates.

It's a damn shame that a relatively small number of knuckle-heads had to ruin it for the majority that abide by the rules and respect the tailgating traditions. But, that's our culture, so it is what it is, I guess.
Yes there was rowdiness but when isn't there, it just didn't get out of hand.

500 is a long way from 20,000+.

Give it a few games, or a few years, before passing judgment. It took eight years before the on-site lots got out of hand because of the ticket-less masses. If the Astroworld lot ever really catches on, you may find the same thing happening over there.

You might hate to admit it, but quite a few of those "hard working tailgating folks who bust their hump" do not have season tickets. I know several groups that have always promoted a family-friendly atmosphere for tailgating that just want to be a part of the Texans vibe but can't afford season tickets.

I'm not advocating anything here, but it's not like season ticket holders are the only ones that can put on great tailgates.

It's a damn shame that a relatively small number of knuckle-heads had to ruin it for the majority that abide by the rules and respect the tailgating traditions. But, that's our culture, so it is what it is, I guess.

You have a very good valid point, it's a shame its come about the have's and have nots from the organization... I'm sure we'll have the "well instead of this, do this" and "then you can go to the game too" repsonses now.
You might hate to admit it, but quite a few of those "hard working tailgating folks who bust their hump" do not have season tickets. I know several groups that have always promoted a family-friendly atmosphere for tailgating that just want to be a part of the Texans vibe but can't afford season tickets.

I'm not advocating anything here, but it's not like season ticket holders are the only ones that can put on great tailgates.

It's a damn shame that a relatively small number of knuckle-heads had to ruin it for the majority that abide by the rules and respect the tailgating traditions. But, that's our culture, so it is what it is, I guess.

Well said and spot on, DB!!! :thumbup
I will say anyone who thinks we will lose our #1 tailgate ranking because we're trying not to become mardi gras - we'll agree to disagree. We got the ranking from all the hard working tailgating folks who bust their humps to put on a good time for friend and family.

Honestly my new Saturday hobby is preparing the food for the next day for 8 people. It's relaxing and I enjoy it. We just need to step up to more 'complex' foods :)

The jury is out on whether we will retain the #1 ranking but to me the atmosphere just walking in seemed dead. I still think the Texans overacted and should have been more prepared for the Dallas game. That was the biggest tailgating crowd ever and it only happens once every 8 years.
A few things... why is it important to have the "title" of best tailgating place in the NFL.. Seriously now. It's not like we compete head to head vs. other teams in the lot and see who wins after 4 hours of tailgating.. So what, we "lose" that term and drop to 6th.. So freaking what people, does that really make you upset? I've been doing it for 8+ years and it would not bother me in the least. Nothing has changed with our group, and I bet most of yours as well, so what would be different, the amount of people.. ehh, who cares, enjoy YOURSELF and who cares what others think.

A lot of people think that the Texans overreacted to the Dallas game. Maybe, maybe not, who here KNOWS for a fact that this was not something that Texans have been monitoring over the years.. The Dallas game might have been the last straw to envoke a change. Now I am just saying, this is something that over the last year or so, problems have been coming up but not reported to us the fans or anything and just handled in house...Why do you think the tailgating ambassadors have just been created over the last year or so... ya think because there have been reported problems with music, parking, other incidents. Do not be so blind ot the fact that they just were created to make a better environment.. they were created to make sure things were indeed in better control.. and well, now look at what is going on.

So, for those of you still pi**ed off, sorry you feel that way, but things just don't pop up for no reason, and the belief that the Dallas game was the reason, well then, you need to come to grips with it, I'd bet my season tickets that was not the sole reason as a lot of you think.. Stop dropping $100 a game tailgating on food, beer and whatever else and buy a season really is that simple.. the cheap seats in Reliant are affordable in regards to what you are spending out on lot.
I noticed it a bit for the first time when the Jags played here on Mon night.

Last year, the MNF game with the Titans was pretty bad. One of my girls almost beat the crap out of some little skank (she would've deserved it) and I waited 20 mins for a port o can.

The Dallas game was outta control. The paying customers complained and now here we are.

The Texans and tailgating was to go like this in their eyes...hang out...cook, socialize then head inside.

If you couldn't get tailgating tix from/thru a paying customer maybe I could sympathize.
The jury is out on whether we will retain the #1 ranking but to me the atmosphere just walking in seemed dead. I still think the Texans overacted and should have been more prepared for the Dallas game. That was the biggest tailgating crowd ever and it only happens once every 8 years.

Not trying to pick a fight, but I don't get people saying it was dead?!?!?!

Our tailgate was full, the usuall tailgates were there. There was a large crowd walking in before kickoff. We had to wait in line to get into Bud Plaza.

If by dead you mean a lot of the night club tailgates and the drunks who frequent them were gone (ESEPCIALLY the one in the suite lot just south of Reliant, hazaaaah!), then yes, it was dead.
Not trying to pick a fight, but I don't get people saying it was dead?!?!?!

Our tailgate was full, the usuall tailgates were there. There was a large crowd walking in before kickoff. We had to wait in line to get into Bud Plaza.

If by dead you mean a lot of the night club tailgates and the drunks who frequent them were gone (ESEPCIALLY the one in the suite lot just south of Reliant, hazaaaah!), then yes, it was dead.

Yes, I looked for them and breathed very easy when I passed that spot. That in itself proves that not everyone is going to shell out 10.00 to tailgate, but if they release more 10.00 tailgate passes, then I'm fine with that too, work in progress it looks like.
This was not even the fault of Cowboy fans per say, it was the ticket holders calling in and complaining about it taking so long to get a spot period. Texan fans complained, Texans reacted to the complaints, Texan fans cry about them reacting to thier complaints. Kinda funny if you ask me and Blue Crew is still going strong.
If so, how was it?

The only lot we could get was maroon- I'd never even been over there. Hate the fact that we couldn't see Reliant from our vantage point, HOWEVER a lot of the folks parking around us were reliant workers, so it certainly gave us more room to play, and play we did :-) After the game we headed back, about 4:45 or 4:50, and most folks were leaving, some were cooking and listening to the after shows like us. The powers that be didn't tell us to leave- I'm guessing b/c we werent toasted, and were fixing to eat. Either way, we enjoyed it. (the tailgating....certainly NOT the game. ugh.)
A few things... why is it important to have the "title" of best tailgating place in the NFL.. Seriously now. It's not like we compete head to head vs. other teams in the lot and see who wins after 4 hours of tailgating.. So what, we "lose" that term and drop to 6th.. So freaking what people, does that really make you upset? I've been doing it for 8+ years and it would not bother me in the least. Nothing has changed with our group, and I bet most of yours as well, so what would be different, the amount of people.. ehh, who cares, enjoy YOURSELF and who cares what others think.

A lot of people think that the Texans overreacted to the Dallas game. Maybe, maybe not, who here KNOWS for a fact that this was not something that Texans have been monitoring over the years.. The Dallas game might have been the last straw to envoke a change. Now I am just saying, this is something that over the last year or so, problems have been coming up but not reported to us the fans or anything and just handled in house...Why do you think the tailgating ambassadors have just been created over the last year or so... ya think because there have been reported problems with music, parking, other incidents. Do not be so blind ot the fact that they just were created to make a better environment.. they were created to make sure things were indeed in better control.. and well, now look at what is going on.

So, for those of you still pi**ed off, sorry you feel that way, but things just don't pop up for no reason, and the belief that the Dallas game was the reason, well then, you need to come to grips with it, I'd bet my season tickets that was not the sole reason as a lot of you think.. Stop dropping $100 a game tailgating on food, beer and whatever else and buy a season really is that simple.. the cheap seats in Reliant are affordable in regards to what you are spending out on lot.

Hobie I'm not saying it matters or not and its not important at fact tailgating is not all that important and if they shut it down for good tommorrow I'll be ok with it. The next thing I predict will happen is the HPD and other law enforcement will start cracking down on the drunks leaving the parking lots. I bet the city could make a lot of dough.