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Head Coach Candidate (Lovie Smith Hired) 2/7/22

I know this was meant to be satirical, but I think your actually pretty close to the truth. Caserio has already shown he wants to be involved in all phases of the organization - including X/O's. I believe that's why he chooses to interview HC candidates he believes he can manipulate to his will and that will tolerate his meddling.

When you say manipulate, do you mean on the same page as in regards to personnel and philosophies? I dont think we've ever seen that down on Kirby, it's about time for a change.
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I don't really think it's about being manipulative.

Caserio has a unique background as a player & a coach. He's been involved with game management as well as scouting. He's not just a GM. He believes he has valuable insights into the game. Just like he & Romeo were saying they should let the Patriots score, they didn't force Culley's hand.

Again, I don't believe the point is to manipulate, but provide valuable insight.

Gannon also has this same background.
You know what is tiresome? Your complaining about other posters complaining. You are going defend any action this organization does. Be it O'Brien, Culley, Caserio, it doesn't matter. If it comes down from NRG, it's all good.
The Texans have announced Satan will be their new Head Coach.

Damn good hire! Sure, he doesn't have any coaching experience, but he's been the leader of hell for over 6,000 years, and if he can motivate Eve to eat that apple he can motivate an NFL staff of coaches and players.
The Texans have announced Satan will be their new Head Coach.

Damn good hire! Sure, he doesn't have any coaching experience, but he's been the leader of hell for over 6,000 years, and if he can motivate Eve to eat that apple he can motivate an NFL staff of coaches and players.

The office of Damien Thorn would like to release this statement:

We have not been approached by the Texans so we don't know where this misinformation is coming from. However, Easterby would be a problem if such a discussion should occur. We would gladly incinerate him, but as you have seen in Mr. Thorn's various netflix TV shows, meddling in human affairs always leads to more issues.
And this is the reason we have a problem with Easterby being around. He shouldn’t even have a say in the matter. Let alone an equal voice to the GM. It’s ridiculous.
Exactly. What if Cal compromises by siding with Caserio but to appease Jack, he hires McCown as OC or QB coach? Let the dysfunction continue. I wonder if Josh McDaniel spoke with BOB before accepting the Raiders' job.
If this is accurate. Could one of the posters who think Easterby's influence is overstated and exaggerated by fans or he has no influence explain this?
Yes, easy. Easterby has input. Has anyone disputed this? The disagreement would be about how much influence he has. Caserio makes the final decision after consultation with the McNairs. Cal breaks ties. This has been my understanding for weeks. Now there are those who believe the conspiracy theory that Easterby has undue influence over the McNairs.
So what I'm hearing, Jack wants McCown and Nick prefers Gannon but has an issue with some of his suggested coaching moves.

The problem? Cal has a vote.
This doesn’t make any darn sense. Why does he even have a voice in the matter. If true!

Like I said earlier, this organization does crap butt backwards. Dude is not qualified to make a decision like that and McCown isn’t qualified either.

Cal and Momma McNair are wrong for not learning from their previous mistakes.
Doesn't sound like the GM is undecided. Sounds to me like he knows he wants Gannon but has some staff details to work out.
I could be mistaken
Well the exact words were: "... has an issue with some of his suggested coaching moves".

The narrative on this board is that Caserio wants to control the team. So what are his choices? He gives in to Gannon? Or he forces Gannon to give in and accept top down control. If both refuse to give in to the other, then what other choice does Caserio have?
Dammit Cal, you hired Caserio to run your football opps. Let him do his job.
This doesn’t make any darn sense. Why does he even have a voice in the matter. If true!

Like I said earlier, this organization does crap butt backwards. Dude is not qualified to make a decision like that and McCown isn’t qualified either.

Cal and Momma McNair are wrong for not learning from their previous mistakes.
As I see it,, the problem is not the difference between Caserio and Easterby, but rather between Caserio and Gannon. This is where the McNairs, Cal particularly, decides.
Yes, easy. Easterby has input. Has anyone disputed this? The disagreement would be about how much influence he has. Caserio makes the final decision after consultation with the McNairs. Cal breaks ties. This has been my understanding for weeks. Now there are those who believe the conspiracy theory that Easterby has undue influence over the McNairs.
So, in your opinion that's normal for the VP of football ops who is supposedly not involved in football matters to be creating a tie breaking situation for Cal?
So what I'm hearing, Jack wants McCown and Nick prefers Gannon but has an issue with some of his suggested coaching moves.

The problem? Cal has a vote.
So, McCown checks all the boxes and Gannon does not, wants a voice in his coaching staff. And then there is Janice. Things that make you hhhmmmm. Wants to move on from Romeo and Lovie? Inquiring minds want to know. What we know is Jack does have Cal's ear.
The office of Damien Thorn would like to release this statement:

We have not been approached by the Texans so we don't know where this misinformation is coming from. However, Easterby would be a problem if such a discussion should occur. We would gladly incinerate him, but as you have seen in Mr. Thorn's various netflix TV shows, meddling in human affairs always leads to more issues.

Sam Neil was really good and creepy in the 3rd Omen movie.