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Texans and Godsey Mutually Part Ways

I may be kicked off the forum for suggesting this, but I think Peyton Manning would make an outstanding OC. He certainly be more aggressive than OB.
the only thing I've heard about manning is that he is more interested in a role of "control" rather than coaching.

so GM rather than HC/OC (like John Elway)

I have no idea how reliable this information is
It may not be that easy to find a quality OC willing to live or die with Brock hanging around his neck as a potential starter next season............especially if that rope is tied securely to O'Brien, who may still be forced by McNair and Smith to create what for now could very well be considered the impossible............making a legitimate starter out of Brock. If Brock is the starter next year and he does as well as he did this year, O'Brien and his new OC go down with him........any potential OC will be thinking about that carefully before jumping into the fire............while Smith and McNair continue to fan the flames...........

I was thinking that it might be a huge opportunity for a OC. If BOB is fired after 2017 (if if if if), a promotion from OC to HC is in the cards...
It's a chance, not alot of gigs out there.
Questions to ask yourself. Was it the OC and QB, the OC, or the QB? I think it is a combination, because other QBs that stepped in were able to do a little more than Osweiler. However, the other QBs were still limited by the constraints of the offensive scheme.
I was thinking that it might be a huge opportunity for a OC. If BOB is fired after 2017 (if if if if), a promotion from OC to HC is in the cards...
It's a chance, not alot of gigs out there.
I keep hearing people bring up that 2017 will be BOB last year in houston

am I missing something? why next year?
Um, who would want him. So unimaginative. Regardless of Brock
He was allowed to run the offense last season and got more from the four Qb's than anybody could have expected.

This season O'b was more hands on than last.

Outside of the first two games we have had very little to get excited about.

Our offensive struggles fall mostly on O'b and Os.

Hopefully our offense actually has a proven NFL coordinator next season. Even if it means the offensive players have to learn a new system.
I keep hearing people bring up that 2017 will be BOB last year in houston

am I missing something? why next year?

Because it doesn't appear he got fired after this year. If he doesn't get fired in 2017 then 2018 will be his last year here and so on, and so on....

I do expect 2017 to be Brock's last year here though. I really don't think he gets a lot better. This wasn't a guy who was wet behind the ears coming in his rookie season and thrown into the fire. This was a guy who sat behind Manning, learned from Kubiak, played under him, came here and had a whole off-season to work out some chemistry with his WR's and then delivered a worst in the league performance. If he improves to say 20th in the league it's still not good.

I would have thought (and hope) that Bob McNair might remember watching a Texans offense custom tailored to David Carr's limitations and how not-good that was to watch. If everyone else on the offense has to be perfect for the QB to be average the QB gotta go.
One thing that irked me about the Texans offense all year is how week after week we struggle to get the ball snapped before the play clock expired.

What the hell are they doing in practice and film study all week that they always look like they have no idea what the opposing defense is doing when they line up.

If they are going to change every play at the line why huddle in the first place they are wasting 10-15 seconds when they could just no huddle and not have to rush to snap the ball each play.
I am no fan of overusing the no huddle but I would have liked to see a much faster pace and see less of changing of plays on each down.
Bill O'Brien's best play-call at OC may be an audible: hiring himself
By Aaron Wilson

Published 9:50 pm, Monday, January 16, 2017

After making the difficult, yet necessary call of jettisoning longtime friend George Godsey as his offensive coordinator, fiery coach Bill O'Brien has a big decision to make about the direction of the Texans' beleaguered offense.

O'Brien's next, best and most logical play-calling decision should be hiring himself for the job, formally or informally.

O'Brien really doesn't have an in-house candidate besides himself on the staff that makes any sense.

And it wouldn't be a surprise in league circles if O'Brien ultimately decides to operate as his own offensive coordinator next season rather than make an outside hire who wouldn't be as well-versed in the complicated system O'Brien brought with him from his days as the New England Patriots' offensive coordinator collaborating with star quarterback Tom Brady.

Under that scenario, O'Brien could then shuffle his offensive coaching staff to fill positions.

O'Brien could have receivers coach Sean Ryan, a former New York Giants quarterbacks and receivers coach, shift over to coaching the quarterbacks. Tight ends coach John Perry could coach the receivers. And the Texans could elevate offensive quality control coach-assistant offensive line coach Tim Kelly to tight ends coach.

O'Brien has the most extensive knowledge and background in the system and would likely be the most aggressive play-caller.

O'Brien was already calling the plays periodically throughout the season after taking over play-calling duties from Godsey following a 27-0 shutout loss to the Patriots in the third game of the season.

O'Brien and Godsey later collaborated on the play-calling, standing side by side on the sideline holding play sheets.

With two years remaining on a five-year contract, O'Brien might as well bet on himself and push the chips into the middle of the table by doubling down on himself as the de facto offensive coordinator regardless of job titles.

The Texans finished 29th in total offense and 31st in red-zone offense last season. It's unlikely to think the offense would regress more with O'Brien having a full season at the controls.

It makes sense to think that inserting himself might provide an upgrade to a moribund attack that struggled mightily last season as $72 million quarterback experiment Brock Osweiler threw 16 interceptions.

Could the Texans use some more creative ideas offensively? Absolutely, but their greatest problem is solving a quarterback quandary that's holding back a division champion that's otherwise built to be an annual playoff contender.
If OB were to take over as "OC", he would possibly still hire an offensive assistant who would handle the daily responsibilities of a coordinator.
I wonder if he could find someone out there with an even more complicated system than the one he brought with him from his days as an OC in New England? Maybe we're going about this the wrong way and the real problem is OB's system isn't complicated enough.

It's worth a try right? I mean if we can get a couple of other guys in here, Chip Kelly and Charlie Weis could maybe draw up a whole new playbook of formations that look nothing like New England's offense and don't work to go along with Bill O'Brien's version that looks nothing like New England's offense and doesn't work then maybe we could get a really smart QB to come in and try to learn it all...... What's Ryan Fitzpatrick doing these days? He's wicked smaaart!

The next time I read an article about Bill O'Brien's super complicated offense that he brought with him from New England I'm going to puke. The next time our offense looks anything like New England's offense it will be the first time that happens.
It would be nice if we could somehow get one of the top offensive coordinators to come to our team.

I wouldn't mind getting the Saints offensive coordinator Pete Carmichael, Jr.

The Saints had a strong offense in spite of one of the worst defenses in the league. It is a wonder the Saints won as many games as they did considering how many score fest they found themselves in.

This is assuming the Saints could be persuaded to part ways with their offensive coordinator.
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If O'b is not going to run the offense here is a list of offensive coordinators available.

Offensive coordinators
Buffalo Bills (Out: Anthony Lynn)

Denver Broncos (Out: Rick Dennison)

Jacksonville Jaguars (Out: Nathaniel Hackett?)

Los Angeles Rams (Out: Rob Boras?)

Miami Dolphins (Hired/Promoted: Matt Burke, replacing Vance Joseph)

New York Jets (Out: Chan Gailey)

Oakland Raiders (Hired/Promoted: Todd Downing, replacing Bill Musgrave)
He was allowed to run the offense last season and got more from the four Qb's than anybody could have expected.

This season O'b was more hands on than last.

Outside of the first two games we have had very little to get excited about.

Our offensive struggles fall mostly on O'b and Os.

Hopefully our offense actually has a proven NFL coordinator next season. Even if it means the offensive players have to learn a new system.

I agree that we should get a proven OC, someone O'b doesn't have to babysit.

However, last year was Godsey's first year as OC. I would think he was more hands on with the day to day stuff. Play calling went back & forth all year.

This season he was more hands off & I think the big issue was that the QB & WR were often out of sync. It's interesting that we also had a new WR coach.

Saturday the offense looked good the first half. After halftime they looked discombobulated again, unable to execute the adjustments needed to compete with New England.
I don't see this as sacrificial at all.

Godsey is horrible.

But the problem is Obrien and his offensive "genius" is horrible.

We need a real offensive mind to put as much cushion between Obrien and our offense as possible.

I really feel we're missing out on a great opportunity to hire one of the best young head coaching candidates to come along in many years in shanahan. The head coach position has become similar to the QB position in that it's becoming harder and harder to find a franchise type. I feel shanahan is an Andrew luck type candidate. He's been around football his whole life and is the brightest young coach out there. Sad that our owner/GM is going to waste this opportunity to give OB another chance.

If the offensive genius who's offense hadn't been the worst offense in the entire NFL and one of the most predictable I've ever seen I wouldn't feel this way. I just can't see keeping him when offense is his specialty when the product on the field was so bad. I'm sorry but if it's me I go balls out for shanahan.
I don't see this as sacrificial at all.

Godsey is horrible.

But the problem is Obrien and his offensive "genius" is horrible.

We need a real offensive mind to put as much cushion between Obrien and our offense as possible.

I agree about Godsey.

I don't really care about O'Briens genius. He's a HC now & needs to coach the team. Not the offense, not the QB. He needs to find & develop the people to do those tasks.

Godsey wasn't one of them.
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I'm sorry but if it's me I go balls out for shanahan.

I normally like your opinions, but this time I don't know if I can.

Nothing against Kyle, but I'm not seeing HC material.

I love his offense & if he were available I'd love to bring him in to run our offense. & he may very well be a great HC someday. I just haven't seen the evidence.

Granted I would have said the same about O'b three years ago.

Should be obvious I have not been on team O'brien. But he has grown on me as a HC. If he brings in Charlie Weis or Nov Turner & get Crennel back, no doubt in my mind we'll be in a Super Bowl soon. If we get Chip Kelly, I like our chances.

If O'b is intent on developing an OC, I doubt he'll make his second contract.
do you think he would leave his job in atlanta to take a job here as OC ?

I could understand HC, but OC?

idk, to me it doesn't seem an improvement for him to come here
Doesn't matter. Atlanta wouldn't allow it anyway unless it's for HC
Question, is any other team running the Pats offense other than NE? Maybe Brady is only QB that can run successfully. Any offense you run with Brock will fail. He lacks the ability to throw the ball accurately. Not too mention he stares down receivers and his windup/release is so SLOWWWWW!!!
Bottom line though he may have the book knowledge, but just because you know what to do, if you can't deliver the ball accurately nothing matters.

Whoever chose Brock or allowed Brock to be our choice as our future QB does not know what an NFL QB needs to be able to do. No fault on Brock. He got the best deal he could get. Brock is Brock and will continue to be Brock. Backup at BEST.
Is no one considering the chance that O'Brien doesn't hire anyone and takes over the OC job himself?

EDIT: didn't see CnnnD's post about this very thing.

If he does that then I don't see why he needed to fire Godsey. OB has already taken over playcalling in the season for a period and the offense didn't look noticeably different or better.

I think they'll hire an OC and I don't think it's entirely OBs call.
Brock and will continue to be Brock. Backup at BEST.
It was a very bad season for Brock there is no doubt but our staff saw enough good from him in Denver to offer him the money they did and Brock had some of his old teammates in Denver wanting him back. Under a Kubiak offense as it was run the last part of his coaching career, that is saying something.

I am not going to be so quick to write Brock off after one season. Do I have a lot of faith in him doing a major turnaround? No I don't. However with the money our team shelled out to get him you best believe he will get at least a fair shot to remain the starter. Being how bad he was he will most likely be in a competition for the job.

I am for whoever wins that competition given we have somebody other than O'b scripting/calling the offense. I am sure if he does win it he will know that he is on a short leash.

Still given the cluster chuck of an offense as run through George Godsey and Bill O'Brien I feel Brock at least deserves a fighting chance to win the starting job should we get another offensive coach.

If that happens let the cards fall however they will.
Question, is any other team running the Pats offense other than NE? Maybe Brady is only QB that can run successfully. Any offense you run with Brock will fail. He lacks the ability to throw the ball accurately. Not too mention he stares down receivers and his windup/release is so SLOWWWWW!!!
Bottom line though he may have the book knowledge, but just because you know what to do, if you can't deliver the ball accurately nothing matters.

Whoever chose Brock or allowed Brock to be our choice as our future QB does not know what an NFL QB needs to be able to do. No fault on Brock. He got the best deal he could get. Brock is Brock and will continue to be Brock. Backup at BEST.

It was a very bad season for Brock there is no doubt but our staff saw enough good from him in Denver to offer him the money they did and Brock had some of his old teammates in Denver wanting him back. Under a Kubiak offense as it was run the last part of his coaching career, that is saying something.

I am not going to be so quick to write Brock off after one season. Do I have a lot of faith in him doing a major turnaround? No I don't. However with the money our team shelled out to get him you best believe he will get at least a fair shot to remain the starter. Being how bad he was he will most likely be in a competition for the job.

I am for whoever wins that competition given we have somebody other than O'b scripting/calling the offense. I am sure if he does win it he will know that he is on a short leash.

Still given the cluster chuck of an offense as run through George Godsey and Bill O'Brien I feel Brock at least deserves a fighting chance to win the starting job should we get another offensive coach.

If that happens let the cards fall however they will.

Who makes the call if Os doesn't win the competition?

BOB already said Savage gives the team the best chance to win. But started Os anyway. Makes you think BOB isn't getting the final say on the 53 or who plays.
Who makes the call if Os doesn't win the competition?

BOB already said Savage gives the team the best chance to win. But started Os anyway. Makes you think BOB isn't getting the final say on the 53 or who plays.

Before the Bengals game O'b says Savage gives us the best chance to win. Two weeks later he starts Osweiler because he has to.

Is it possible O'b changed his mind about who gives this team a better chance to win?

Keep in mind Savage hasn't been close to throwing a TD in his one start & Brock threw what should have been five against the #1 scoring defense.

Now let's get on with these clowns.

Dick Smith

I wonder if it went something like this?

Godsey "hey Bill gotta minute?"

Bob "yeah come on in"

Godsey "I'm thinking about making a move.."

BoB "I think that's a great idea, I wish you nothing but the best and take care."

Godsey "I was gonna move from Sugarland to Katy, but I guess I'll just get clean out my office."
It was a very bad season for Brock there is no doubt but our staff saw enough good from him in Denver to offer him the money they did and Brock had some of his old teammates in Denver wanting him back. Under a Kubiak offense as it was run the last part of his coaching career, that is saying something.

I am not going to be so quick to write Brock off after one season. Do I have a lot of faith in him doing a major turnaround? No I don't. However with the money our team shelled out to get him you best believe he will get at least a fair shot to remain the starter. Being how bad he was he will most likely be in a competition for the job.

I am for whoever wins that competition given we have somebody other than O'b scripting/calling the offense. I am sure if he does win it he will know that he is on a short leash.

Still given the cluster chuck of an offense as run through George Godsey and Bill O'Brien I feel Brock at least deserves a fighting chance to win the starting job should we get another offensive coach.

If that happens let the cards fall however they will.
Brock is done. It doesn't take a football expert to see that.
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This is your team with a dysfunctional owner. Any questions?

Yep. This is the result of a boardroom executive-style leadership. Instead of having a GM that runs things and finds the various coaches to fit his philosophy and strategy, they have this consensus thing where there is no clear power lines between positions. Rick Smith gets to pick the players, but O'Brien decides who gets to play. So basically Rick establishes draft philosophy, but Bill has his game day strategy. This is why we see players being picked up that do not necessarily fit the scheme. Using Lamar Miller as an up-the-gut power back is one example. Another is getting giraffe boy, fresh from the simplified Kubiak bootleg WCO, to come here and run a very complicated, cerebral-minded offense without even interviewing the guy.

There is very little accountability with this style of management, and when shit hits the fan, you see scrambling to avoid responsibility. My gut feeling is the scrambling is what caused the various rumors about Rick and Bill getting along or not.

My own perception is that O'Brien is not very flexible. For instance, Wade and RAC are both very flexible, and they adapt their schemes to fit the players they have on the roster. I do not sense this to be the case with O'Brien. He simplifies for his QBs, but he does not deviate from the very demanding reads at the LOS and expects his QBs to get it. This is why we are shuffling through QBs like no other team. He has yet to find his Goldilocks QB, the one that does not find it too hot, or too cold, but that is "just right" for his complicated and uncompromising scheme.

Good luck finding an OC to inherit this mess. First they have to be versed in the EP scheme, then have to accept Brock as potential starter, and then be able to work between the obvious power struggle between HC and GM (among others in the boardroom).
I know Kubes retired for health reasons but would he be a OC? Less stressful at least

I don't want Chip. He's a college coach and he's best suited for a college spread - speed style offense. Not sure that works in the NFL.
I don't know of any other OC candidates

I'm not a big fan of Chip but I do think he would get way more out of Lamar Miller and the running game than Godsey ever did.

Passing game not so much.
Turner likes to push the ball vertically and, statistically, Brock is the worst downfield passer in the NFL since JaMarcus Russell.

No thanks.

Brock is a lump of clay that's starting to harden. Last year he helped Emanuel Sanders emerge as one of the league's better deep threats.

This year he practically nullified another.

Next year is a different story
Brock is a lump of clay that's starting to harden. Last year he helped Emanuel Sanders emerge as one of the league's better deep threats.

This year he practically nullified another.

Next year is a different story

That might be the perfect metaphor for Brock. If a lump of clay does not harden into a specific shape, like a bowl, or vase, it is basically useless as a rock. And rocks sink to the bottom. You can't say Brock without rock. ;)
It was a very bad season for Brock there is no doubt but our staff saw enough good from him in Denver to offer him the money they did and Brock had some of his old teammates in Denver wanting him back. Under a Kubiak offense as it was run the last part of his coaching career, that is saying something.

I am not going to be so quick to write Brock off after one season. Do I have a lot of faith in him doing a major turnaround? No I don't. However with the money our team shelled out to get him you best believe he will get at least a fair shot to remain the starter. Being how bad he was he will most likely be in a competition for the job.

I am for whoever wins that competition given we have somebody other than O'b scripting/calling the offense. I am sure if he does win it he will know that he is on a short leash.

Still given the cluster chuck of an offense as run through George Godsey and Bill O'Brien I feel Brock at least deserves a fighting chance to win the starting job should we get another offensive coach.

If that happens let the cards fall however they will.
I agree with the above. Just let it be a fair contest. Brock is not a rookie. My thought is he won't become an accurate passer now if he hasn't already done so. Maybe he can totally overhaul his throwing motion in the off season. I just don't see think he will improve his throwing enough to be an NFL QB. This does not even take into consideration the other aspects that it take to be an NFL QB.
The Texans went on to finish the regular season with the fewest touchdowns (25) by a playoff team in a non-strike season since the NFL season expanded to 16 games in 1978.**

Godsey will take the fall for O'Brien and general manager Rick Smith after free-agent acquisition
Brock Osweiler turned out to be a $72 million boondoggle in his debut season with the Texans.

"Takes the fall for OBrien and Smith", truer words were never written.

**Hammers home just how inept the offense was.

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That might be the perfect metaphor for Brock. If a lump of clay does not harden into a specific shape, like a bowl, or vase, it is basically useless as a rock. And rocks sink to the bottom. You can't say Brock without rock. ;)

Brock is more like something that's shaped that floats.