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Dre Whips Finnegan

Those of you defending Finnegan or getting on Andre in order to look even-keel, rational, and politically correct should be ashamed of yourselves, period.
Finnegan is a cheap dirty punk of a player, he always has been. End of story.

The POS punk got what he deserved.
Oh, I agree completely that Cortland was looking to piss AJ off. That much is obvious. But a lot of "little things" he does are within the rules of the game. For example, how aggressive his pad punching is when pressing. Trash talking is another, even if it is about family.

I'm sure Cortland does illegal things too and has a history with AJ, but I don't watch enough TEN-HOU games to know much about that. But AJ isn't without his cheap shots. Like I said, the play before he punched Cortland's facemask and then pushed him in the back after the whistle. But most of the fans on this board are too disillusioned to acknowledge that because it doesn't correspond with what's going on in their fantasy worlds, where a Texan can do no harm.

Yeah, because AJ is well-known throughout the league for being a hot-headed and dirty loud-mouthed player. You don't know **** about playing in a division with the dirtiest players/team in the NFL so your opinion on this particular situation means nothing. Enjoy playing in the shittiest division in the NFL though, wish we could own you punks again.
Oh, I agree completely that Cortland was looking to piss AJ off. That much is obvious. But a lot of "little things" he does are within the rules of the game. For example, how aggressive his pad punching is when pressing. Trash talking is another, even if it is about family.

I'm sure Cortland does illegal things too and has a history with AJ, but I don't watch enough TEN-HOU games to know much about that. But AJ isn't without his cheap shots. Like I said, the play before he punched Cortland's facemask and then pushed him in the back after the whistle. But most of the fans on this board are too disillusioned to acknowledge that because it doesn't correspond with what's going on in their fantasy worlds, where a Texan can do no harm.

Yet, most everyone in the football world (fans, analysts, etc.), completely disagree with you, so maybe we aren't as delusional as you think. With every situation like this, there always has to be some cool guy that must come in and try to disagree with everyone else.
He did, but you make it seem like Courtland didn't do anything illegal here.

Even so, he instigated the whole thing. Telling other players to 'Watch This' before the whole thing means he knew what he was about to do or say was going to piss off Dre' so much that he would get that type of reaction.

Ya, CF was being an instigator, I agree. I don't deny that CF is a ****-talking, dirty player. I'm merely arguing that his actions didn't warrant that beating. Nor that it was all his fault.
And another person needs their reading comprehension checked. If you read my post, you'll know that it concerns helmet-throwing and not punches.

So defend the spearing and personal fouls CF has received the last 3 years playing the Texans. All have been directed towards AJ, usually because he is closing in on 150 yards receiving. There's a history you clearly do not understand. AJ had enough, CF got dealt with.
Oh, I agree completely that Cortland was looking to piss AJ off. That much is obvious. But a lot of "little things" he does are within the rules of the game. For example, how aggressive his pad punching is when pressing. Trash talking is another, even if it is about family.

I'm sure Cortland does illegal things too and has a history with AJ, but I don't watch enough TEN-HOU games to know much about that. But AJ isn't without his cheap shots. Like I said, the play before he punched Cortland's facemask and then pushed him in the back after the whistle. But most of the fans on this board are too disillusioned to acknowledge that because it doesn't correspond with what's going on in their fantasy worlds, where a Texan can do no harm.

Well first of all, McNair avoids signing these types of guys.
So defend the spearing and personal fouls CF has received the last 3 years playing the Texans. All have been directed towards AJ, usually because he is closing in on 150 yards receiving. There's a history you clearly do not understand. AJ had enough, CF got dealt with.

Exactly. Love this opposing fan that comes in and tries to know the history between AJ and CF, but doesn't know squat. It's been leading up this this. Was bound to happen eventually.
Oh, I agree completely that Cortland was looking to piss AJ off. That much is obvious. But a lot of "little things" he does are within the rules of the game. For example, how aggressive his pad punching is when pressing. Trash talking is another, even if it is about family.

I'm sure Cortland does illegal things too and has a history with AJ, but I don't watch enough TEN-HOU games to know much about that. But AJ isn't without his cheap shots. Like I said, the play before he punched Cortland's facemask and then pushed him in the back after the whistle. But most of the fans on this board are too disillusioned to acknowledge that because it doesn't correspond with what's going on in their fantasy worlds, where a Texan can do no harm.

So you don't know the history of Cortland Innegan or his problems with the league but yet you can make an accusation against one of the league's most well behaved players? :strangle:
Ya, CF was being an instigator, I agree. I don't deny that CF is a ****-talking, dirty player. I'm merely arguing that his actions didn't warrant that beating. Nor that it was all his fault.

Well thats where most of us will differ from you. Most of us have seen this guy play...many many times...and most of us feel it was deserved. That's just our opinion, and apparently the opinion of other fans (and apparently Tony Dungy...) of teams in the same division that see enough of Finny. Go look at the Jags and Colts board. All feel it was deserved.

About whose fault it is, I don't see how that is even a argument. Andre talks trash to no one, yet Finnegan is known for it and is even reported to saying 'Watch this' before the incident. Also I'm positive watching Andre play (and I have never ever missed a Texans game) that Finny's physical play or Finny holding Andre to a mediocre game (For Andre at least) is what led to that.

I mean if that was the case Andre Johnson would have been going at it with other more talented CBs. I remember Flowers was pretty physical with Andre, and Andre showed no signs of anger like he did today.

YES Andre does occasionally do something cheap in order to gain an advantage(Like push off of Flowers in that same game), but pretty much every player does so meh. That doesn't excuse Finnegan for being a douche though.
Well thats where most of us will differ from you. Most of us have seen this guy play...many many times...and most of us feel it was deserved. That's just our opinion, and apparently the opinion of other fans (and apparently Tony Dungy...) of teams in the same division that see enough of Finny. Go look at the Jags and Colts board. All feel it was deserved.

About whose fault it is, I don't see how that is even a argument. Andre talks trash to no one, yet Finnegan is known for it and is even reported to saying 'Watch this' before the incident. Also I'm positive watching Andre play (and I have never ever missed a Texans game) that Finny's physical play or Finny holding Andre to a mediocre game (For Andre at least) is what led to that.

I mean if that was the case Andre Johnson would have been going at it with other more talented CBs. I remember Flowers was pretty physical with Andre, and Andre showed no signs of anger like he did today.

YES Andre does occasionally do something cheap in order to gain an advantage(Like push off of Flowers in that same game), but pretty much every player does so meh. That doesn't excuse Finnegan for being a douche though.

I agree with everything you're saying. But still, how does that warrant a total beatdown? CF talks a lot of **** and is the asshole in that relationship....who cares? Since when is trash talking illegal? And of course people from other MBs in the division will agree with you, b/c as a trash talker, CF will only garner strong distaste from rival fans. In the NFL you just have to compose yourself better, simple as that.
In his defense Nitro didn't hear him say a word... :hides:

I guess you think getting your facemask punched so hard that the back of your head is parallel to the ground couldn't possibly be provocation?

Nope. Nobody did. He said it to me in sign language.
SF49erFaithful IS Cortland Finnegan. Both like to agitate to get a response. Get a life man, life's too short to spend you day trying to get under others skin.
I agree with everything you're saying. But still, how does that warrant a total beatdown? CF talks a lot of **** and is the asshole in that relationship....who cares? Since when is trash talking illegal? And of course people from other MBs in the division will agree with you, b/c as a trash talker, CF will only garner strong distaste from rival fans. In the NFL you just have to compose yourself better, simple as that.

Dude, get out. You have no idea what you're talking about. Just about all NFL fan message boards are siding with Andre Johnson. Maybe you really are Cortland Finnegan.
I agree with everything you're saying. But still, how does that warrant a total beatdown? CF talks a lot of **** and is the asshole in that relationship....who cares? Since when is trash talking illegal? And of course people from other MBs in the division will agree with you, b/c as a trash talker, CF will only garner strong distaste from rival fans. In the NFL you just have to compose yourself better, simple as that.

It's not that CF is only trash talking. He's shoving AJ in the facemask. He frequently hits him late etc. I imagine AJ could care less about the trash talking, but dirty hits all day long get old fast.
And another person needs their reading comprehension checked. If you read my post, you'll know that it concerns helmet-throwing and not punches.

Dude, are you for real?

You don't know much about the AFC South. Innegan is notorious for cheap-shotting. It's not our opinion. It's well-documented and much talked about among other NFL players and commentators.

AJ has had enough. The buck stopped with AJ today. He finally decided that simply walking away was not working. He's been walking away until last year when he had a mini-meltdown with Innegan. This time? He went full beast on him.

AJ is not known for outbursts. He does a whole lot of walking away. How many times have you watched AJ being shown on the TV sports shows where he's being a jackass...such as you see with other superstar WRs? Huh? Waiting for your answer...of course, I'll be waiting forever because AJ is perhaps the most quiet, soft-spoken, non-confrontational, team-oriented superstar WR to play the game.

Just stop trying to be the cool guy with a differing opinion on a topic. This topic is as one-sided and vanilla as it could ever be.
I agree with everything you're saying. But still, how does that warrant a total beatdown? CF talks a lot of **** and is the asshole in that relationship....who cares? Since when is trash talking illegal? And of course people from other MBs in the division will agree with you, b/c as a trash talker, CF will only garner strong distaste from rival fans. In the NFL you just have to compose yourself better, simple as that.

Not only rival fans though, but also I just mentioned them because we see it so often. Not only that you have a ex-coach like Dungy mentioning it.

It's more than just trash talking, it's cheap shots AFTER whistles as well. It's whatever, He does whatever he can get away with. Like I mentioned earlier, he's the guy NBA coaches put in just to piss off the opposing team.

I love the reaction from the woman sitting in the front row on the far right of the screen. Shes wearing black, she gives him a standing O before hes even finished with Finnegan, awesome.
Next time Andre should hit him in the junk.

Had a discussion with a bunch of gal friends the other day as to why men call their most prized possession "junk" but, I guess we can leave that topic for another day! lol Maybe I'll ask that question in the NSZ forum!:ahhaha:

Just wanted to say though, in keeping with the topic of the thread. I don't think I have EVER been so proud of a Texan player!! CF got what he deserved and our AJ was the one to give it to him!! EXCELLENT IMHO!! I've been looking for this team to show some backbone, balls, whatever you want to call it, for nine years now, and I saw some of it come out today! I am PROUD they've decided to quit taking crap off the bullies in the NFL! I'm ONE HAPPY TEXAN gma!!
I am actually quite disappointed with the responses I am seeing right now. There are right ways and wrong ways to respond to bullying.

Teaching children its ok to resort to fisticuffs is a recipe for disaster. We should instead teach our children to out-think and use cunning strategy to get out of difficult situations.

I mean, lets say your kid has a job where a fellow employee is picking on them. Do you want them to resort to fisticuffs and likely lose their job? Or instead use their brain and find a way to expose and deal with the bully in a way that allows them to keep their job?

You never had to beat the **** out of a bully? Not even once?
Had a discussion with a bunch of gal friends the other day as to why men call their most prized possession "junk" but, I guess we can leave that topic for another day! lol Maybe I'll ask that question in the NSZ forum!:ahhaha:

Just wanted to say though, in keeping with the topic of the thread. I don't think I have EVER been so proud of a Texan player!! CF got what he deserved and our AJ was the one to give it to him!! EXCELLENT IMHO!! I've been looking for this team to show some backbone, balls, whatever you want to call it, for nine years now, and I saw some of it come out today! I am PROUD they've decided to quit taking crap off the bullies in the NFL! I'm ONE HAPPY TEXAN gma!!

It is actually the "family Jewels," if you ask me. However, once the phrase "She has junk in the trunk" became popular to describe a female's generous glutes, the term "junk" then was adopted for any private part--male or female.

AJ definitely has large enough Jewels to handle CF, judging by the beatdown he layed down!!!
Had a discussion with a bunch of gal friends the other day as to why men call their most prized possession "junk" but, I guess we can leave that topic for another day! lol Maybe I'll ask that question in the NSZ forum!:ahhaha:

Just wanted to say though, in keeping with the topic of the thread. I don't think I have EVER been so proud of a Texan player!! CF got what he deserved and our AJ was the one to give it to him!! EXCELLENT IMHO!! I've been looking for this team to show some backbone, balls, whatever you want to call it, for nine years now, and I saw some of it come out today! I am PROUD they've decided to quit taking crap off the bullies in the NFL! I'm ONE HAPPY TEXAN gma!!
Hope everyone enjoys my new avatar it will be staying for awhile because I love it.
Ya know its funny, I faced a situation similar to this as the captain of a team recently. It was the same set-up with the guy from their team notorious for getting under people's skin, and our guy reacted. As the captain, I was pissed off at my own player because we knew ahead of time what was going to happen, and he still lost his cool. I was angry because it hurt our team in the process and really didn't solve anything.

In no way do I feel sympathy for CF, and he really did have it coming. Having said that, I don't really like the fact that AJ lost his cool and reacted. It was fun to watch, but I just feel like there was better ways to handle it. With the colts set to lose tonight we will find ourselves one game back from the division lead, and possibly going in to next game without AJ.
It is actually the "family Jewels," if you ask me. However, once the phrase "She has junk in the trunk" became popular to describe a female's generous glutes, the term "junk" then was adopted for any private part--male or female.

AJ definitely has large enough Jewels to handle CF, judging by the beatdown he layed down!!!

"family jewels" I've heard a zillion times before, but, guess my age is tellin on me now cause I've never heard the phrase "she has junk in the trunk" in ref to a "females's generous glutes!" :) Lesson learned, I'll pass it on to my galpals! Now ya know what we talk about on a slow day at work!:ahhaha:
You never had to beat the **** out of a bully? Not even once?

Guess not

This is the attitude that has been lacking and needs to continue. IMHO

The attitude that says we are the Texans and we came to Philly for one purpose and one purpose only. To kick you're a**.

They need to have this attitude for the rest of the season. Then maybe my attitude on Smithiak will change.
Mario just launches. Finnabitch is gonna be puffy tomorrow. Couldn't happened to a more deserving _____ by a better MAN. Go Andre!


Kiwi you are right and the fact that Finnigan (a well known ass-clown) was able to to get that kind of a reaction out of such a mild mannered class act like Johnson just shows how big of a **** Finnigan really is and his actions need to be addressed by the NFL.

This is more of an indication of what kind of a player and person Finnigan is than Andre. Johnson has been one of the most professional athletes this city has ever known. In the end though he is still a man and has a limit to what he will take.

Kiwi you are right and the fact that Finnigan (a well known ass-clown) was able to to get that kind of a reaction out of such a mild mannered class act like Johnson just shows how big of a **** Finnigan really is and his actions need to be addressed by the NFL.

This is more of an indication of what kind of a player and person Finnigan is than Andre. Johnson has been one of the most professional athletes this planet has ever known. In the end though he is still a man and has a limit to what he will take.


I think it is interesting though that the the ESPN guys alluded that the Texans next game was on NFLN so maybe...just maybe they just won't suspend it. I mean I already saw my first commercial for the next Thurs Night game and it was Vick and the Eagles vs Andre and the Texans.
haha anyone see gameday?? deion was narrating the fight in slo-mo and when aj ripped his helmet off deion says 'ok now your helmets off so run.....RUN!!'
Neither player is ejected from the game, nor suspended for fighting. They
just sit for a couple minutes in the penalty box, and it's back to the ice.
My description of the glaring double-standard still applies.

Nobody ever goes knee-jerk about fighting in hockey.

Finnegan's not a fighter, he's always reminded me of D'Arcy Tucker... he gets cheap shots in & hides behind his teammates. He finally got caught this time.

I'd like to know why no coach has ever spoken to Jeff Fisher the way Chuck Noll spoke to Jerry Glanville a few years back.
Innegan reminds me of Josh Koscheck who is a big twirp in the UFC. Lots of yammerin' and not much to show for it.

And GSP and AJ are two classy, humble guys who outshine both of them.